FOI Delegations

Ben Fairless made this Freedom of Information request to Attorney-General's Department as part of a batch sent to 166 authorities

This request has been closed to new correspondence from the public body. Contact us if you think it ought be re-opened.

The request was successful.

Dear Attorney-General's Department,

Under section 23 of the Freedom of Information Act, the principal officer or minister can make arrangements to give their decision making powers to others.

I'm hoping you can provide me with a copy of the current arrangements if possible.

If it helps, I'm happy for you to process this request under "administrative release" ( This would reduce the cost and time required to make a formal decision.

That said, I understand sometimes you want the request to be formal. If you won't process it informally, please process my request for the document as a formal FOI Request.

Please note - While I volunteer for Right to Know, this request is made in a personal capacity and not on behalf of Right to Know.

Yours faithfully,

Ben Fairless

FOI Requests, Attorney-General's Department

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Dear Mr Fairless

Thank you for your request.

The Attorney-General's Department has decided to release the requested documents administratively rather than through the formal process under the Freedom of Information Act.

Please find attached a copy of the Freedom of Information (Authorised Persons - Attorney-General's Department) Arrangement (No 4) 2016. Please note that this instrument also applies to the Australian Government Solicitor.

Kind regards

FOI Case Officer

Freedom of Information and Parliamentary Section Attorney-General’s Department
T: 02 6141 6666 | E: [AGD request email]

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