Hobart RWY 30 Flight Path RNP-AR - Environmental Impact Assessment DCCEEW

Department of climate change energy the environment and water did not have the information requested.

Dear Department of climate change energy the environment and water,

Re: Hobart RWY 30 Flight Path RNP-AR - Environmental Impact Assessment

Could I please obtain a copy of the Airservices Australia )ASA) referral and Environmental Impact Assessment (as laid out in the Environment Protection and Biodiversity Conservation Act 1999 (EPBC Act) undertaken in the Primrose Sands TAS area in particular Carlton Bluff.
As no flights existed over Primrose Sands pre flight changes of 2017, this would have been a mandatory requirement as it triggered ASA's own referral thresholds for locations newly overflown.

Yours faithfully,

Cathy Minnucci

FOI Contact Officer, Department of climate change energy the environment and water

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Dear Cathy Minnucci
Acknowledgement of Freedom of Information Request No: LEX 76740
We refer to your request received by the Department of Climate Change,
Energy, the Environment and Water on 27 March 2024 for access to documents
under the Freedom of Information Act 1982 (FOI Act) made in the following
‘Re: Hobart RWY 30 Flight Path RNP-AR - Environmental Impact Assessment
Could I please obtain a copy of the Airservices Australia )ASA) referral
and Environmental Impact Assessment (as laid out in the Environment
Protection and Biodiversity Conservation Act 1999 (EPBC Act) undertaken in
the Primrose Sands TAS area in particular Carlton Bluff.
As no flights existed over Primrose Sands pre flight changes of 2017, this
would have been a mandatory requirement as it triggered ASA's own referral
thresholds for locations newly overflown.’
Your address
The FOI Act requires that you provide us with an address which we can send
notices to. You have advised your electronic address is
[1][FOI #11281 email]. We will send all notices
and correspondence to this address.
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sent to the address specified above.
Disclosure log
Please note that information released under FOI Act may be published in a
disclosure log on the department's website. Section 11C of the FOI Act
requires this publication, however it is subject to certain exceptions,
including where publication of personal, business, professional or
commercial information would be unreasonable.
Exclusion of junior department employee details
The department is working towards ensuring that all employees have a
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assume that these details are out of scope of your request and they will
be deleted under section 22 of the FOI Act.
Further assistance
If you have any questions, please email [2][email address].
Kind regards
FOI Contact Officer
Department of Climate Change, Energy, the Environment and Water
Ngunnawal and Ngambri Country, John Gorton Building, King Edward Terrace
(GPO Box 3090) Parkes ACT 2600 Australia
T 02 6272 4704| E [3][email address]
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DCCEEW.gov.au ABN 63 573 932 849
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show quoted sections

FOI Contact Officer, Department of climate change energy the environment and water

6 Attachments

Dear Cathy Minnucci


Please find attached correspondence from the Department of Climate Change,
Energy, the Environment and Water in relation to FOI request, LEX 76740.


Kind regards


FOI Contact Officer

Legal Division | Corporate, Climate and Energy Branch | Information Law

Ngunnawal and Ngambri Country, John Gorton Building, King Edward Terrace,
Parkes ACT 2600

GPO Box 3090 ACT 2601

Department of Climate Change, Energy, the Environment and Water

T 02 6272 4704 | E [1][DCCEWW request email]

 [ ]

[2][IMG]   [3]A logo of a camera Description automatically
generated   [4]A white x in a circle Description automatically
generated   [5]A black circle with white letters in it Description
automatically generated



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[6]A close up of a text Description automatically generated


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4. https://twitter.com/DCCEEW
5. https://au.linkedin.com/company/departme...