Is the Commonwealth of Australia, registered as a coorporation in the USA, a legal entity under the Australian Constitution?
Dear Department of the Prime Minister and Cabinet,
I know that it is my duty to keep you informed of MY WILL on anything that comes before Parliament, or that should come before Parliament.
IT IS MY WILL that you provide me with evidence that the corporation registered in the United States of America as the Commonwealth of Australia ( is the same organisation as the Commonwealth of Australia, which is authorized in the Commonwealth of Australia Constitution ( by the Queen of England and her successors.
IT IS MY WILL that you provide me with evidence that shows where the Commonwealth of Australia Constitution authorizes the Commonwealth of Australia to become a corporation registered in the United States of America.
IT IS MY Will that a referendum be held that gives the electors of Australia the opportunity to vote for or against the Commonwealth of Australia being a registered corporation in the United States of America. This request only applies if the Commonwealth of Australia, registered in the United States of America as a corporation, is the same organisation as the Commonwealth of Australia that is our Government.
Yours faithfully,
James Gray
Dear Mr Gray
Thank you for your email of 13 March 2013, received by the Department of
the Prime Minister and Cabinet (the Department) in which you made a
request under the Freedom of Information Act 1982 in the following terms:
IT IS MY WILL that you provide me with evidence that the corporation
registered in the United States of America as the Commonwealth of
is the same organisation as the Commonwealth of Australia, which is
authorized in the Commonwealth of Australia Constitution
([2] by
the Queen of England and her successors.
IT IS MY WILL that you provide me with evidence that shows where the
Commonwealth of Australia Constitution authorizes the Commonwealth of
Australia to become a corporation registered in the United States of
IT IS MY Will that a referendum be held that gives the electors of
Australia the opportunity to vote for or against the Commonwealth of
Australia being a registered corporation in the United States of America.
This request only applies if the Commonwealth of Australia, registered in
the United States of America as a corporation, is the same organisation as
the Commonwealth of Australia that is our Government.
Timeframe for receiving your decision
The statutory timeframe for processing a request is 30 days from the date
upon which your application was received by the Department except in
certain circumstances in which case we will notify you of the time
Removal of officer’s details
It is the Department’s policy to withhold the names and contact details of
junior officers within the Department and other agencies contained within
documents that fall within scope of the request. The names and details of
senior departmental staff would not be withheld unless there were some
reason for that information to be exempt from release. If you require the
names and contact details of junior officers please let us know at
[3][DPMC request email] for the decision-maker to consider; otherwise we will
take it that you agree to that information being excluded from the scope
of your request.
Publication of documents
In accordance with the Government’s pro-disclosure policy agencies are
required to publish information which has been released under FOI on the
agencies’ disclosure logs. If you wish to raise any objections to the
publication of any of the documents which may be released to you please
contact the Department by email at [4][DPMC request email]. Supporting reasons
for any objection would be appreciated.
Agencies may decide that an applicant is liable to pay a charge in respect
of a request for access to documents. If the Department decides that you
are liable to pay charges, we will forward a preliminary assessment of
charges to you as soon as possible.
The Department will write again when we have further information.
Otherwise, further information on FOI processing can be found at the
website of the Office of the Australian Information Commissioner at
FOI Adviser
Legal Policy Branch
Department of the Prime Minister and Cabinet
Phone: 02 6271 5849
Email: [6][DPMC request email]
[7]Description: Description: Description: FOI design element
Visible links
3. mailto:[DPMC request email]
4. mailto:[DPMC request email]
6. mailto:[DPMC request email]
Dear FOI,
The only response to my request that I can see here is, "The Department will write again when we have further information." How is it possible that the Federal Government cannot forward me documents demonstrating that the Commonwealth of Australia is a legal entity under the Australian Constitution? That is all I am asking for. If it is not, if the Commonwealth of Australia is an American company, surely the Commonwealth of Australia must cease operations immediately and a new Constitutional Government be established in Australia.
Am I missing something in the response that the Department of the Prime Minister has sent me?
Yours sincerely,
Jim Gray
Dear Mr Gray
Please see attached correspondence in relation to your FOI request.
FOI Adviser
Legal Policy Branch
Department of the Prime Minister and Cabinet
Phone: 02 6271 5849
Email: [1][DPMC request email]
[2]Description: Description: Description: FOI design element
Visible links
1. mailto:[DPMC request email]
Dear FOI,
Thank you for your reply. I look forward to a response to my request from the Treasury Department.
Yours sincerely,
Jim Gray
Dear FOI,
It is my WILL to know what has delayed a response to my request for information regarding the Commonwealth of Australia being a registered corporation in the United States of America.
Yours sincerely,
Jim Gray
Dear Mr Gray
Please find attached correspondence from the Department of the Prime Minister and Cabinet.
FOI Adviser
Legal Policy Branch
Department of the Prime Minister and Cabinet
Phone: 02 6271 5849
Email: [DPMC request email]

Henare Degan left an annotation ()
I have removed an abusive annotation on this request. Threatening and abusive behaviour is unacceptable on Right To Know.
Please ensure annotations meet our moderation policy ( and don't hesitate to contact us if you'd like to bring something to our attention (
Right To Know administrator

Ben Fairless left an annotation ()
Hi AJ,
If there was any further correspondence from the Department, it would be visible here (Right to Know does not hide responses from Authorities unless it meets strict criteria, see our Take Down Policy -
Diana left an annotation ()
I've found the US Securities and Exchange Commission documents for the Commonwealth of Australia - registered as a foreign government not a company - up to financial year end 2010. There is an annual report and loads of information (all open to public scrutiny):
I've been looking for annual reports from the past 4 years on the US SEC and Business Registry but can't find any but this requires more patience than I have. Perhaps a request to the Australian Treasury department asking if there are up-to-date annual reports for the SEC CofA registration as a foreigh government entity (able to apply for US loans and credit status) would be more apt than asking for information on the CofA as a US-registered company.
James Baldwin left an annotation ()
A quick look on Treasury's Disclosure Log and one can find some further information

Ben (Right to Know) left an annotation ()
Hello everyone,
A number of comments have been hidden on this request as they do not comply with our policy on annotations:
“Annotations on Right to Know are to help people get the information they want, or to give them pointers to places they can go to help them act on it. We reserve the right to remove anything else.
Endless, political discussions are not allowed. Post a link to a suitable forum or campaign site elsewhere.”
As this is the second time we have had to moderate comments on this request, we have also taken the step to disable comments.
If you wish to discuss this further, please contact us at the following link:
Ben Fairless - OpenAustralia Foundation
Col Chamings left an annotation ()
The answer to the questions have been evaded with the onus put back on the requester to respond before they supply the information asked for!