Number of Registered ICV's

Steve Bode made this Freedom of Information request to Department of Infrastructure, Transport, Regional Development and Communications

This request has been closed to new correspondence from the public body. Contact us if you think it ought be re-opened.

Dear Department of Infrastructure and Regional Development,
How many ICV's (Individually Constructed Vehicle) that are registered in Australia?

Yours faithfully,

Steven Bode

12 Liberty Way
kellyville NSW 2155

FOI, Department of Infrastructure, Transport, Regional Development and Communications

Dear Mr Bode

Thank you for your email received by the Department of Infrastructure and Regional Development on 31 January 2016, requesting access to documents in accordance with the Freedom of Information Act 1982 (FOI Act).

Your request was received in the following terms:

"How many ICV's (Individually Constructed Vehicle) that [sic] are registered in Australia?"

The FOI Act provides a right of access to information contained in documents in the possession of the Department.

The information you request is not of a kind ordinarily acquired by or reported to the Department. The information you seek is not in the possession of the Department.

Information about registration of vehicles generally (and individually constructed vehicles specifically) is held by each registration jurisdiction (states and territories) and the National Heavy Vehicle Regulator (although potentially not applicable for ICVs). Austroads, who administer the National Exchange of Vehicle

and Driver Information System (NEVDIS), may be able to provide information on a national level, but you are likely to have to contact each jurisdiction separately.

Please advise whether you wish to withdraw your request, or whether you wish to receive a formal decision.

Kind regards

Fiorella Del Aguila
P: (02) 6274 6402 |E: [email address]

-----Original Message-----
From: Steve Bode [mailto:[FOI #1525 email]]
Sent: Sunday, 31 January 2016 5:56 PM
Subject: Freedom of Information request - Number of Registered ICV's

Dear Department of Infrastructure and Regional Development, How many ICV's (Individually Constructed Vehicle) that are registered in Australia?

Yours faithfully,

Steven Bode

12 Liberty Way
kellyville NSW 2155


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FOI, Department of Infrastructure, Transport, Regional Development and Communications

1 Attachment

Dear Mr Bode

Please see attached document relevant to your request.

Kind regards

Kieran Vassallo
Assistant Director
FOI and Client Service Team Leader
Governance and Performance Section | Governance Unit
Corporate Services Division
Department of Infrastructure and Regional DevelopmentD
D (02) 6274 6495


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