Parking infringements

Jackson Gothe-Snape made this Freedom of Information request to ACT Roads And Public Transport Division

This request has been closed to new correspondence from the public body. Contact us if you think it ought be re-opened.

The request was refused by ACT Roads And Public Transport Division.

Jackson Gothe-Snape

Dear Roads And Public Transport Division - ACT,

Can you please provide access to documents of all parking infringements in the ACT since the later date of either 1 January 2005 or the date of the oldest infringement in the current record keeping system.

For each infringement, please provide the following classes of information:
-The amount charged,
-The nearest street number,
-The street name,
-The geographic coordinates,
-The date,
-The time of day to the minute,
-Whether it had been challenged by the motorist,
-Whether it has been withdrawn,
-Whether it has been paid, and
-The date payment was received.

If any of these classes of information are not readily extractable from the current record keeping system, please omit them from the request.

Yours faithfully,
Jackson Gothe-Snape

Jackson Gothe-Snape

Dear Roads And Public Transport Division - ACT,

In relation to my earlier request for parking infringements documents, could you please provide the documents in a machine readable format such as csv or json.

Yours faithfully,

Jackson Gothe-Snape

Jackson Gothe-Snape

Dear Roads And Public Transport Division - ACT,

In relation to my earlier request for parking infringements documents, could you please add the suburb of each infringement to the list of classes of information requested.

Yours faithfully,

Jackson Gothe-Snape

ORS Policy, ACT Roads And Public Transport Division

2 Attachments

Dear Mr Gothe-Snape


Please find attached a decision letter regarding your request for
documents made under the Freedom of Information Act 1989 concerning
parking infringements in the ACT.


Kind regards



Dylan Mcgee

Policy Officer


Policy Team |Access Canberra Policy Unit | Policy and Community Relations

(: 02 6207 2492 | : [1][email address]  

Access Canberra | ACT Government

A3 Callam Offices, Woden, ACT 2606 |GPO Box 158 Canberra ACT 2601 |





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