Planned implementation of noise-triggered traffic cameras

The request is waiting for clarification. If you are Tim Singleton Norton, please sign in to send a follow up message.

Tim Singleton Norton

Dear Environment Protection Authority Victoria,

I request any and all information related to the EPA’s future implementation of noise-activated traffic cameras within Victoria.

These devices are being rolled out in NSW ( and I request information related to Victoria’s planned or proposed use of similar technology in the future.

Yours faithfully,

Tim Singleton Norton

foi, Environment Protection Authority Victoria

5 Attachments


Dear Tim,


Thank you for your email.


Paying the application fee

Under section 17 of the Freedom of Information Act 1982 (the Act), a
request for access to documents must be accompanied by a fee of $31.80.
You can pay by credit card, electronic funds transfer (from your bank)
(EFT), or cheque. Instructions on how to pay the application fee are given


The EPA may waive or reduce the amount required if payment of the
application fee would cause you hardship. Please provide evidence if you
are experiencing hardship and would like to have the application fee
waived or reduced. Evidence of hardship is typically a photocopy of a
Commonwealth Government Health Care or Pensioner Concession Card issued to
you, or a statutory declaration of hardship made by you and accompanied by
a recent bank statement showing your bank balance.


Credit Card payment or EFT

You can pay the application fee by credit card online by using the
following link:



From this page, please:

1.          Input the reference number ‘00902023’

2.         Input the amount of $31.80

3.         Proceed to make payment


Please email [2][Environment Protection Authority Victoria request email] to tell us when you have made the
payment so that we can check with our Finance Branch and proceed to
validate your request. Until a request is valid, EPA will not process it.



You can make payment of the application fee by forwarding a cheque made
out to the Environment Protection Authority to the following address:  


FOI unit

Environment Protection Authority

GPO Box 4395



To correspond your payment with your request, either include a copy of the
request with the cheque, or a note that the cheque is for the FOI
application fee for request FOI-090-2023).


For more information about the process of making an FOI request to the
EPA, please go to this webpage:


Please email me if you have any questions about this matter.


Kind regards,


Stefani Manevska (she/her)
Civil Litigation & Advice

E [4][email address]
P 03 8613 5428  
A 200 Victoria St, Carlton


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