Private use of social media advice provided to employees
Dear NSW Department of Finance, Services and Innovation,
This is a request under the Freedom of Information Act.
I request documents related to the ten most recent instances where an employee has sought information, advice, guidance, or opinion on their social media use in a private capacity.
I limit the scope of documents to:
- the original request from the employee
- the agency/department's response
- any follow-up questions and response
- only those sent to a relevant HR / conduct / social media (or similar) team (rather than managers across all areas of the organisation)
- where the original request was created in the last 2 years
Should you have any questions please do not hesitate to contact me.
Yours faithfully,
James Smith
Hi James
Requests for information in NSW is governed by the Government Information
(Public Access) Act 2009 (GIPA Act). In order to apply for information
from the Department of Finance, Services and Innovation (DFSI), you must
meet the criteria in the GIPA Act, including paying a fee of $30.
Information on how to make a valid access application, and how to pay the
fee, can be found on our website at:
Please do not hesitate to contact us on the email or phone number below if
you have any queries.
Jenefer Plummer
Senior Project Officer, Privacy and GIPA Compliance
Ministerial Services | Department of Finance, Services and Innovation
GIPA and Privacy Hotline 02 9619 8672
E [2][email address] | [3]
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Locutus Sum left an annotation ()
It can be a problem when an applicant sends out a very large number of requests together in a bulk request. It is very convenient for the applicant when she makes the requests but then when so many responses are received it is inconvenient to work out how to continue ... or even to classify the responses.
Locutus Sum left an annotation ()
Mostly I classify a response like this one to say "clarification requested" because the agency has told the applicant that some more information (and money!) is needed before the request will be processed. This time, I have put the response in the category of "refused" because it is two months when the agency has responded and the applicant has not made a follow-up. This does not mean that the agency will refuse the request when an application is made in the correct (required) way and although I have made the classification of "refused", the applicant can use this same request page if he wishes to pursue the request.