SIS Regulation 11.08

Phillip Sweeney made this Freedom of Information request to Australian Prudential Regulation Authority

This request has been closed to new correspondence from the public body. Contact us if you think it ought be re-opened.

The request was refused by Australian Prudential Regulation Authority.

Phillip Sweeney

Dear Australian Prudential Regulation Authority,

On the 20 January 2014 some members of a regulated superannuation fund once known as the Elders IXL Superannuation Fund (more recently known as the AusBev Superannuation Fund) were transferred without their consent to the Plum Superannuation Fund.

The Trustee of the Transferor Fund, CCSL Limited, was required to to advise APRA in writing of the intention of undertaking the purported successor fund transfer pursuant to SIS Regulation 11.08.

APRA is then able to maintain up-to-date information and monitor the transfer or merger, thereby ensuring the rights of beneficiaries are protected.

The first document the applicant seeks is a copy of the notice in writing provided by CCSL Limited to APRA pursuant to SIS Regulation 11.08 confirming the transfer of members.

The transfer may or may not culminate in the winding up of the fund, depending whether all or only some of members and their benefits are transferred.

The second document the applicant seeks is a copy of the notice in writing provided by CCSL Limited to APRA pursuant to SIS Regulation 11.08 confirming the purported wind-up of the AusBev Superannuation Fund that was established on the 23 December 1913.

This notice in writing must be provided before the winding up is commenced.

Yours faithfully,

Phillip Sweeney

Freedom of Information, Australian Prudential Regulation Authority

1 Attachment

Dear Me Sweeney

Please see the attached acknowledgment letter.

Kind regards

APRA FOI Officer


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Freedom of Information, Australian Prudential Regulation Authority

2 Attachments

Dear Mr Sweeney,
Please see attached, APRA’s Notice of Decision dated 30 September 2015.
Kind regards,
APRA FOI Officer

show quoted sections

Phillip Sweeney

Dear Australian Prudential Regulation Authority,

Please pass this on to the person who conducts Freedom of Information reviews.

I am writing to request an internal review of Australian Prudential Regulation Authority's handling of my FOI request 'SIS Regulation 11.08'.

I am requesting that any "secret or protected information" contained in these documents be redacted and the basic information such as the date and the person contacted at APRA be released.

APRA cannot pretend that fundamental changes to a regulated fund did not occur and that APRA was never advised of these changes.

A full history of my FOI request and all correspondence is available on the Internet at this address:

Yours faithfully,

Phillip Sweeney

Freedom of Information, Australian Prudential Regulation Authority

1 Attachment

Dear Mr Sweeney

Please see the attached internal review decision.

Kind regards

FOI Officer

show quoted sections