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Printed from on February 10, 2025 14:29
This person's Freedom of Information requests (approximately 5)
99% of information was redacted under Section 34(3) - Cabinet documents.
Emails were released containing no information apart from their header / da...
Hi Chris,
See attached our decision on this request.
Freedom of Information
Digital Transformation Agency (DTA)
My apologies for my very late response.
Thanks for providing those documents.
Are you able to confirm that the only documents existing in Health...
This information was provided under the different request -
Has there been any follow up in terms of possibly attaching some of the documents that have been provided?
This person's 6 annotations
99% of information was redacted under Section 34(3) - Cabinet documents.
Emails were released containing no information apart from their header / da...
OAIC Decision:
I have decided to grant the DTA an extension of time under s 15AB(2) of the FOI Act to
12 July 2020. I am satisfied that the DTA’s a...
OIAC agreed with Department of Health's reason for extension.
As a delegate of the Information Commissioner, I am authorised to make decis...
Has there been any follow up in terms of possibly attaching some of the documents that have been provided?
After calling FOI Victoria, it seems that council is within their rights to do this due to the way legislation is worded.
They have complied to the V...
The following question was written to "right to know" staff:
I'm writing to see if anyone can help me with a clarification about the Act.