This person's Freedom of Information requests (approximately 61)
I have updated this request to show that it's been transferred to the Office of the Official Secretary to the Governor-General. Emails before this note...
I have updated this request to show that it's been transferred to the Office of the Official Secretary to the Governor-General. Emails before this note...
Reference: FOI/2025/022
Dear Tyler
Thank you for your email of 31 January 2025 in which you made a request
under the Freedom of In...
The sender of this email certifies that its contents, and any attachments,
are of an 'OFFICIAL' nature.
Good morning,
Thank you for your e...
The sender of this email certifies that its contents, and any attachments,
are of an 'OFFICIAL' nature.
Good morning,
Thank you for your e...
Dear Tyler
Thank you for your email of 31 January 2025 requesting access to documents
held by the Department of Infrastructure, T...
Thank yous
Yours faithfully
OPC ref: no. 23-2025 (T25/5)
OOSGG ref: FOI2025001
Please pass this on to the person(s) who conduct(s) Freedom of Information reviews.
I am wri...
Thank yous!
Yours faithfully,
Thank yous!
Yours faithfully,
Dear Tyler
Thank you for your email dated 23 January 2025.
This email sets out some information about how your request will...
The sender of this email certifies that its contents, and any attachments,
are of an 'OFFICIAL' nature.
Good morning,
Freedom of Informati...
The sender of this email certifies that its contents, and any attachments,
are of an 'OFFICIAL' nature.
Good morning,
Freedom of Informati...
Thank Yous!
Yours faithfully,
Thank Yous!
Yours faithfully,
Thank Yous!
Yours faithfully,
Thank Yous!
Yours faithfully,
Thank Yous!
Yours faithfully,
Dear Tyler
RE: Application under the Freedom of Information Act 1982
Ref: FOI2025012
I refer to your email of 26 January 2025 to the Office of the Of...
I agree to your suggestion to extend the deadline to until 12 February 2025.
Yours faithfully,
Thank yous!
Yours faithfully,
Is it possible to provide copy of document recording the Governor-General's approval of the Australia-Tuvalu Falepili Union Treaty 2023 (https://www...
FOI Request: LEX 11992
Dear Tyler,
Thank you for your email dated 23 January 2025 seeking access to documents
under the Freed...
OAIC reference: RQ24/05215
DPMC reference: FOI/2024/313
Further to earlier emails on this matter, the Department of Prime Minister and Cabinet ha...
Thank yous!
Yours faithfully,
This person's annotations
None made.