(page 7)
Dear Simon
Please find attached the signed decision letter regarding your Freedom of
Information request FOI 16/136.
So it appears that the ATO did not seek advice from the Attorney-General or AGD in making their decision to refuse requests that come via the Right to...
In light of the Attorney-General's loss in the Federal Court today, I expect and require that you will give this FOI application the most expeditiou...
Good afternoon Gabor Szathmari,
Please find attached the decision in regards to your FOI request FOI
Dear Ms Gibbs,
Please find attached correspondence in relation to your Freedom of
Information request.
Kind regards
Freedom of Infor...
Thank you for providing the requested information.
Yours sincerely,
James Smith
Dear Mr Slattery,
I refer to your email of yesterday, 30 March 2016, seeking information
about an unidentified defendant's name,...
Dear Ms Dwyer
Thank you for your e-mail of 23 February 2016 (below). Unfortunately, we are unable to help with your inquiry as the Common...
For Official Use Only
Dear Mr Smith,
Freedom of Information Request FOI 16/008
Please find attached a copy of the decision in your FOI re...
The improper use of metadata is to be deplored. #casa has a long history of poor investigations, false statements and abandoned criminal prosecutions....
Dear Mr Skinner,
Please find attached a statement of reasons in relation to your FOI
request (FOI16/005).
Dear Mr Sweeney,
Freedom of Information Request FOI15/176
I refer to my below email advising of the estimated charges for your FOI...
Good afternoon Mr/Ms Greasley
Please find attached a statement of reasons in relation to your FOI
request (FOI15/116).
Good afternoon Mr Palmer,
I refer to your below FOI request (FOI15/031).
On 8 April 2015, the Department notified you of the estimated c...
The 2012 briefing note released after all this is here:
https://app.box.com/s/f5d4f113zy14bhqcw183 (pdf)
The OAIC handed down a decision on those atta...
Although I'm really late to this party, I noticed a quirk with this request.
The agreed scope as between Ben and AG's is:
"a copy of the Decision L...
Dear Mr Timmins
Please find attached a decision in relation to your request for documents
under the FOI Act, as well as a schedul...
Dear Mr Sweeney,
I refer to your FOI request of 21 December 2014 for:
The document I seek includes on the front page the wor...
14 November 2014
By email only: [1][FOI #796 email]
Dear Scott
Freedom of Information Request no. 14/23...
Dear Mr Guy
Freedom of Information request – FOI14/195
Please find attached a statement of reasons in relation to your FOI...
Dear Mr Fairless
I refer to your request for documents under the Freedom of Information Act
1982. Please find attached the Depart...
This request is referenced in http://www.zdnet.com/au/attorney-generals-department-censors-public-view-on-piracy-7000035125/
The internal review does provide some impressive evidence about the plight of Self Represented Litigants'. The decision maker actually goes over and ab...
Good morning Mr Mezzetti
Freedom of Information Request no. FOI14/180
I refer to your request for access to documents relati...
Dear Mr Dunbar,
Please find attached a letter from Mr Paul O’Sullivan, Chief of Staff to
the Attorney-General.
Only requests made using Right to Know are shown.