Victorian Department of Environment, Land, Water and Planning

A Victorian authority, also called Victorian Department of Energy, Environment and Climate Action

17 requests
Yours sincerely, Wombat Forestcare Inc.
Is it possible for you to reference the date of my email in your responses? Kind regards R Bulmer
OFFICIAL Good Morning,   Please see attached.   Kind Regards,   Freedom of Information Unit Legal and Legislation I Corporate Services...
Dear Peter   FOI Request 5541 - Notice of Decision   Please find the decision letter and released documents attached.   Kind regards,  ...
Dear Mr Martiensen, I am writing again regarding your FOI request. As payment of the application fee has not been received, your request remains inval...
Dear Ms Mckinnon,   I refer to your request for documents under the Freedom of Information Act 1982 (FOI Act), dated , received by the Department...
Hi Steven, Could you please provide me with a contact phone number so that someone from Land Use Victoria can contact you directly to answer your ques...
Sorry my email address is not visible. I will type it out: Robbenfan123 at Yours sincerely, Micky
Hi Nick,   Please find attached a copy of the decision in response to your FOI request. Can you please provide an address or email address so that...
Dear Mr Smith, I refer to your request below for documents under the Freedom of Information Act (FOI Act). Please note that FOI requests require pa...
Hi Elizabeth, To answer your question, only documents that exist at the time the FOI request was made can be requested through the FOI process. In...
Dear Mr Pandza, I have made some further enquiries with the relevant area of the department and they advised me that they do not hold any additional...
Please disregard my previous email.  The notice of decision is attached.
Dear Mr Cichocki, I refer to your request for documents pursuant to the Freedom of Information Act 1982 (FOI Act) received by the department on 11 J...
our ref: FI/03/4182 Dear Mr Glen, The Freedom of Information Act 1982, requires the payment of an application fee unless payment would cause finan...
Ref: FI/03/4130 Dear Mr Schroeder Please find the payment form attached. Yours sincerely Arielle Perlow | Freedom of Information Officer|Legal...
Dear Mr Schroeder, The Department of Environment, Land, Water and Planning publishes data relating to ATCW permits on its website. The information s...

Only requests made using Right to Know are shown. ?