Adani coal mine will create "tens of thousands of jobs" says Turnbull.

Vito Guzzardi made this Freedom of Information request to Department of the Prime Minister and Cabinet

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Vito Guzzardi

Dear Department of the Prime Minister and Cabinet,

Turnbull at his recent trip to India in April 2017 said "the Adani coal mine will create tens of thousands of jobs". Therefore, assuming this would mean at least 20,000 new jobs, I would like to have ALL these JOBS detailed & quantified. That is, how many will be NEW jobs ? how many of these jobs will be undertaken by AUSTRALIANS ? how many of these jobs will be performed by skilled migrants from overseas on various types of working visas ? How many of these jobs will be for the initial building phase of the mine ? How many of these jobs will be POST the initial building phase of the mine and subsequently PERMANENT AND FULL-TIME jobs ?

Yours faithfully,
Vito Guzzardi

FOI, Department of the Prime Minister and Cabinet


PM&C reference: FOI/2017/073


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-----Original Message-----
From: Vito Guzzardi
[[4]mailto:[FOI #3418 email]]
Sent: Sunday, 16 April 2017 7:38 PM
Subject: Freedom of Information request - Adani coal mine will create
"tens of thousands of jobs" says Turnbull.


Dear Department of the Prime Minister and Cabinet,


Turnbull at his recent trip to India in April 2017 said "the Adani coal
mine will create tens of thousands of jobs".  Therefore, assuming this
would mean at least 20,000 new jobs, I would like to have ALL these JOBS
detailed & quantified.  That is, how many will be NEW jobs ?  how many of
these jobs will be undertaken by AUSTRALIANS ?  how many of these jobs
will be performed by skilled migrants from overseas on various types of
working visas ?  How many of these jobs will be for the initial building
phase of the mine ?  How many of these jobs will be POST the initial
building phase of the mine and subsequently PERMANENT AND FULL-TIME jobs ?


Yours faithfully,

Vito Guzzardi




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Eliza Berlage left an annotation ()

Hi Vito,

This is a good request but maybe you could ask for documents in the last three months detailing the estimated jobs to be provided by the Adani mine.

I believe there is some information here: