Dear Department of Defence,

Please provide a copy of Defence Force Recruiting - Recruiting Services Contract between Department of Defence and Adecco Australia Pty Ltd (ABN 91 006 253 336) contract ID CN3923195 Agency Reference ID:4600042630 dated around October or November 2022, including all and any annexures, appendices, attachments and the like.


Costing/profit information can be redacted however all other information and materials should be provided.

Yours faithfully,

James Smith

FOI Case Management, Department of Defence


Dear James,



I refer to your correspondence of 19 June 2024 seeking access to documents
held by the Department of Defence (Defence), under the Freedom of
Information Act 1982 (FOI Act).


The scope of your request is:


Please provide a copy of Defence Force Recruiting - Recruiting Services
Contract between Department of Defence and Adecco Australia Pty Ltd (ABN
91 006 253 336) contract ID CN3923195 Agency Reference ID:4600042630 dated
around October or November 2022, including all and any annexures,
appendices, attachments and the like.


Costing/profit information can be redacted however all other information
and materials should be provided.



The statutory timeframe to provide you with a decision on your request
ends on 19 July 2024. This period may be extended if we need to consult
with third parties, or for other reasons. We will advise you if this


Please note that where the due date falls on a Saturday, Sunday or public
holiday, the timeframe will expire on the next working day. This is in
accordance with the FOI Guidelines issued by the Office of the Australian
Information Commissioner under section 93A of the FOI Act.



Where staff details are captured in documents within the scope of your FOI
request, this information will be redacted; this includes private email
addresses, signatures, personnel (PMKeyS) numbers and mobile telephone
numbers, unless you specifically request such details. Defence excludes
duplicates of documents and any documents sent to or from you.
Furthermore, Defence only considers final versions of documents.



Defence may impose a charge for the work involved in providing access to
the documents in accordance with the Freedom of Information (Charges)
Regulations 2019. We will notify you if your request attracts a charge.
Please note that there is no charge for documents that contain the
personal information of the applicant.


Disclosure Log

Documents released under the FOI Act may be published on Defence’s
disclosure log, located on our website.


Contact Details

We will contact you via the email address you have provided. Please advise
if you would prefer us to use an alternative means of contact.


Should you have any questions relating to your request, please do not
hesitate to contact me via email: [1][email address].


Kind regards,



Freedom of Information
Media and Information Disclosure Branch

Ministerial & Executive Coordination and Communication Division

Department of Defence


Tel: 02 5108 8851


[2]Freedom of information requests | About | Defence

IMPORTANT: This email remains the property of the Department of Defence.
Unauthorised communication and dealing with the information in the email
may be a serious criminal offence. If you have received this email in
error, you are requested to contact the sender and delete the email




Visible links
1. mailto:[email address]

FOI Case Management, Department of Defence

1 Attachment


Dear James,


Please find attached a letter in relation to Defence FOI 1001/23/24.


Kind regards,


Freedom of Information
Media and Information Disclosure Branch

Ministerial & Executive Coordination and Communication Division

Department of Defence


For FOI guidance & information, please visit: [1]Defence FOI


IMPORTANT: This email remains the property of the Department of Defence.
Unauthorised communication and dealing with the information in the email
may be a serious criminal offence. If you have received this email in
error, you are requested to contact the sender and delete the email




Visible links
1. http://drnet/AssociateSecretary/Web-Reco...

Dear FOI Case Management,

I am only seeking one document, a contract.

A contract is drafted in such a way that not every page requires review, only those sections (not pages) that contain commercial and confidential information.

It is disingenuous to suggest otherwise.

The contract manager would very quickly be able to direct the FOI staff to the relevant sections for review.
It is a gross exaggeration to suggest that reviewing the contract would be a four week exercise. Much of the contract, like all contracts, will be boilerplate clauses, which can be discounted from the estimated review time.

The time allocated to reviewing “each page” has been extrapolated linearly to artificially inflate the task, to give it the appearance of being unreasonable.

The gross inflation of the task of reviewing a current contract (which Defence will have current contract managers administering who will be intimately familiar with the document) just smacks of Defence contriving reasons to keep the document from being produced.

The scope of the FOI request does not need to be revised. Instead, Defence needs to consult its internal experts and arrive at a realistic estimation of the task, which likely only involves redacting the commercial schedules to the contract.

Yours sincerely,

James Smith

FOI Case Management, Department of Defence

2 Attachments


Dear James,


Please find attached the Decision relating to Defence FOI 1001/23/24.


Under section 54 of the FOI Act, you are entitled to request a review of
this decision. Your review rights are attached.


Please contact this office should you require any further information.


Kind regards


Freedom of Information Team

Media and Information Disclosure Branch

Ministerial & Executive Coordination and Communication Division

Department of Defence


[1]Freedom of information requests | About | Defence

IMPORTANT: This email remains the property of the Department of Defence.
Unauthorised communication and dealing with the information in the email
may be a serious criminal offence. If you have received this email in
error, you are requested to contact the sender and delete the email




Visible links

Dear FOI Case Management,

Referred to OAIC ref WEB-MR-24-00146

Yours sincerely,

James Smith