Assisting Victoria Police
Dear Australian Securities and Investments Commission,
The applicant is seeking copies of any correspondence including attachments sent to Victoria Police to assist the Police in a matter that relates to the Elders IXL Superannuation Fund and access to the Deeds of this Fund. This fund was more recently known as the AusBev Superannuation Fund.
Evidence has been given in Court by Counsel that the originals of these Deeds of this fund now no longer exist.
Therefore Victoria Police will need to rely on copies of the Deeds in the possession of ASIC..
The search period is from 1 August 2015.
Can you please confirm receipt of this FOI request.
Yours faithfully,
Phillip Sweeney
Dear Mr Sweeney
Attached is ASIC's acknowledgement of your FOI request received on 22
September 2015.
Kind regards
Lauren Roy | Escalated Matters & Government - Misconduct & Breach
Reporting | Assessment & Intelligence | ASIC | ' +61 3 9280 4638 | Fax:
+61 3 9280 3392 | * [email address]
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Dear Mr Sweeney
Please see attached ASIC's decision in relation to your FOI request
received on 22 September 2015.
Kind regards
Lauren Roy | Escalated Matters & Government - Misconduct & Breach
Reporting | Assessment & Intelligence | ASIC | ' +61 3 9280 4638 | Fax:
+61 3 9280 3392 | * [email address]
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Dear Australian Securities and Investments Commission,
Please pass this on to the person who conducts Freedom of Information reviews.
I am writing to request an internal review of Australian Securities and Investments Commission's handling of my FOI request 'Assisting Victoria Police'.
There is a long history of unlawful conduct associated with the superannuation fund once known as the Elders IXL Superannuation Fund.
ASIC were deceived by a purported Trustee that misrepresented a document signed by a convicted felon and dated 26 August 1986 as the "Trust Deed" when the genuine "Trust Deed" is dated 23 December 1913 and was drafted by Sir John Downer who co-drafted the Australian Constitution.
So why would ASIC decide not to assist Victoria Police in a matter related to the administration of this Fund?
I believe that there must be a mistake with the FOI decision letter.
There is now a class action related to this fund that was instigated at the recommendation of ASIC.
A full history of my FOI request and all correspondence is available on the Internet at this address:
Yours faithfully,
Phillip Sweeney
Dear Mr Sweeney
Attached is my decision on your internal review request.
Greg Hackett | Senior Lawyer – Escalated Matters & Government, Assessment
& Intelligence | ASIC | ' +61 3 9280 3530 | È +61 402 972 182 | 7 +61 3
9280 3413 | * [email address]
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Phillip Sweeney left an annotation ()
Mr Hackett from ASIC is a party to the cover-up of the largest white-collar crime in the history of Australia. Mr Hackett as represented a fraudulent document dated 26 August 1986 signed by a convicted felon, Ken Jarrett, a the founding Trust Deed of a pension fund established in 1913.
This is so widows can be prevented from receiving their survivorship pensions.
Dear Mr Sweeney
Please find attached ASIC's decision in relation to your FOI request,
received on 6 November 2015.
Kind regards
Lauren Roy | Escalated Matters & Government - Misconduct & Breach
Reporting | Assessment & Intelligence | ASIC | ' +61 3 9280 4638 | Fax:
+61 3 9280 3392 | * [email address]
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Ben Fairless left an annotation ()
I think what ASIC have done here is rather smart legal work, but also not within the spirit of the act.
They would likely know that Mr Sweeney sends documents to them and requests those documents via FOI. They decided to interpret this request as being for document **sent by** ASIC to VicPol. This isnt my interpretation of the request but it could be a reasonable one.
By doing this, ASIC has saved it time in retrieving and publishing the document that I presume was sent to them by the applicant, but has done some crafty footwork around the Act in order to do so.