Bannaby High Voltage Electrical Substation future development plans

Waiting for an internal review by TransGrid of their handling of this request.

Dear TransGrid,

I am seeking information and documents in relation to the Bannaby High Voltage Electrical Substation plans, especially any proposed expansion to the North East, North, North West and West. This should include information in relation to high tension wire plans and upgrades as well as other associated electrical infrastructure within the Bannaby area including the Humelink Project and the Bannaby Route Refinement Decision (March 2022).

Documents should include but not be limited to feasibility studies, Environmental Impact assessments, photos and maps and should include documents that may not have yet been made available in the public space.

Yours faithfully,

Dear TransGrid,

As at close yesterday, I had not received a response to my Right to Know request. Please respond and / or indicate why you have not and when you will respond

Yours faithfully,

Peter Lees

Dear TransGrid,

Please pass this on to the person who conducts Freedom of Information reviews.

I am writing to request an internal review of TransGrid's handling of my FOI request 'Bannaby High Voltage Electrical Substation future development plans'.

I should have received a response by June 29, 2022 and as at July 19, 2022, I still have no response

A full history of my FOI request and all correspondence is available on the Internet at this address:

Yours faithfully,

Peter Lees