Dear Prime Minister's Science, Engineering and Innovation Council,


This is that idea that has not been developed due to exceptional circumstances, it is that one idea, I know it and I believe that you do too. Has anyone else come to you with such an idea? A social network that connects to the enterprise in a way never achieved before. What I'm proposing is MVP proof of concept. Just to prove the idea, I just spent 24k on it and I don't have any money to waste, that is how adamant I am that Consequia will be developed. It is an idea before its time.

Corporate Portal :

Website Social

Mobile Social:


How else are you going to create our own super app for our country? Is there anyone else out there as crazy as me? It is that digital signature that needs to be created. The one database of only verified profiles, to manage a higher level of enterprise security system access. A system of systems, connected freely, for the purpose of approved access to any system. Each country having a full database of all of their societies, in a social network, with back end enterprise security access and options. This one profile connects each user to each enterprise, connecting each business at a facilities management level. The system will use Google maps and advanced geo fencing techniques, which will be used for safety and other operational purposes that are deemed appropriate. Front end it is a social platform of only authorized profiles, so we can add children to the system and have them connected to their parents (or guardian). From here we can create our own social engineering platform. This is key to the cyber security of our country.

This case is exceptional circumstances, because if it wasn't, I wouldn't be here. I am only still alive because I love and miss my children, and that I am able to focus on the development of Consequia. Without having this idea to think of, I honestly believe that I would have just been another statistic, but I do this for my children, because we need a better system for society.

So Consequia is the solution to this situation, it is also the cause, but until now it is just a thought. It's time to make that tangent a reality. That one system created for society, to solve social engineering problems… which will create advanced ways of communicating. That one digital identity connects all your authorized information too. That is Consequia = consider this information protected disclosure, as to find a way to resolve this matter ASAP so we can create Consequia together.

I suggest a council of 12, 6 government, 6 private, for the purposes of this venture. It needs to be a 50/50 system and it needs to be developed to protect society. The advantage of approved profiles to industry is huge, which is why this solution is necessary. Just imagine what we can reengineer into this platform? Think of the idea as the basics, then after you understand the platform you can make suggestions directly to the company Consequia. Through open discussions we will create the actual end user system together. That sounds like the people's system and we need it more now than ever. We are using an unsecured system to track users, when we can just create Consequia (authorized profiles) and the ASD would have an open and honest system to track social engineering issues.

It's a win-win, but I am me, I'm actually a nice guy, very quiet and reserved, but the system sees something else and it's concerning. I just want to create Consequia and get my boys back. The controls need to end, that is that, I will forget and move on, as soon as the systematic destruction of my life ends and the creation of Consequia begins.

Exceptional circumstances
The Welton Investigation
I am innocent of the consequences rendered

I'm proposing we create an act, for the purposes of this case, let us call it the Welton act. We need a minister for men, as the current system is prejudice and it clearly favors the woman in this specific case. We need to create better legislation to help men in need. There are services for women, but none for men? The future I'm planning is all about equality and I hope to achieve this through Consequia.

Are you going to help me create the future of social engineering?

Or are you going to continue to hide these serious human rights violations?

Consequia must be developed. This will cure my tangent (Delusional Disorder) and it will create a platform for authorized profiles. Social Enterprise Security is the future of big data. But it needs to be developed. I have the blueprint, but the business plan for Consequia is the actual government. I'm not creating this for me, I am creating Consequia for my country, and my children. Why, because it was the best I could do to create a system for mass communication and emergency management issues.

Now if the Department of Defence innovation hub is not interested, and the videos were not watched, which means the above links were not accessed, then how did they evaluate the concept? The truth is I do not believe that they did? So the answer is why not? In any case, this system is proposed by me, directly to you, the Federal Attorney General of Australia 🇦🇺.

Instead of ignoring me, please assign someone from your office to communicate with? That person must have read and understood the application provided (the Welton investigation email trail and RTKnow).

It obviously makes me ill, so how can it be legal, when I am yet to commit any crime that validates such excessive consequences. This abuse of power is now a NACC issue, until that time, the only person I can contact for justice is you.

So please communicate with me, as requested, as I'm happy to speak with your team about these exceptional circumstances, so you can assist me with my application.

Yours faithfully,

Mr Welton

Dear Prime Minister's Science, Engineering and Innovation Council,

I think I need to be clearer… so I will use this platform for freedom of information = protected disclosure.

Regardless of what is said about me… one thing is for sure, first and foremost I am Australian and I am innocent of the state and federal sanctions imposed against me. In truth our system is horrendous and it needs to be reengineered, I suggest we do this through the development of Consequia.

I believe we require a new technology to enhance our services, currently everything is disconnected. We need a system of systems designed to connect the enterprises. Each physical location for organizations, each user an authorized profile. Just like a security system for a building, only much more. A system that is social at the front end, that connects to enterprise security, a series of systems and API connections.

Unfortunately the corruption in the USA is not a conspiracy theory, we cannot rely on anyone other than ourselves… when we talk about big tech and the left.

We are our own country, what will it take for you to help me create the next type of social engineering?

How do we create our own Prism, but do it in such a way that the functionality is available for all. I suggest we create our own super app, as to compete with the rest of the world.

I watch real news like, this is the only way we can get real news, other than the government and big tech controlled media. This is the left, for the record I am right!

We have serious issues and some are communicated like this, to fix the system, not to continue to ignore the fact that the legal hierarchy of Australia is ungoverned. So if you are innocent, where do you go? Everywhere? Yes, I've been there… which is why I am here.

I have a database of information on my google drive that proves that I've done everything I can to make this situation with my ex wife stop! I just need it over because I have two tangents that make me sick.
1. Database (The Welton Investigation).
2. Consequia (Delusional Disorder).

Consequia is that stupid idea where we ask ourselves the question "how would we create that one digital identity, which connects to everything else?" That is what I propose, we create our own super app, by helping me finish a project that should have started in 2013, then again in 2016, this is my 3rd attempt to create this idea, hopefully we are now on the same page, as this idea is for Australia 🇦🇺. So right now I give you 50% of the idea, I will retain 50% and we the people will develop Consequia together. I don't see this as a delusion because I am compelled to do it. In 2016 a lot happened, it created a paradigm shift in my life timeline… I need Consequia development to reset my timeline. The creation of Consequia will cure my tangents and cure my conditions. Then I can return to full functionality and I will stop destroying myself over these tangents.

I cannot stress enough how badly we need this system… I was told it was an idea before its time… now we have apps like WeChat, but Consequia is bigger in scope, it's a different system, we need our own super app and I see the development of such a system, created in direct partnership with the government, as the only way this idea will work. Without it, it would be next to impossible, but together we will create a system to be proud of, the envy of the world. That's how I see Consequia, it was always designed to protect society from social engineering security issues, it is that one big idea? Let us create it together?

Let us communicate at a high level so I can help protect our country. Consequia is the future of big data when developed.

The development of Consequia will solve all my issues, as I see that the information provided of my innocence (The Welton Investigation) is in fact true. I have never committed any actual crimes to validate such a criminal sentence, this is a fact. I'm sure you can see my record, with no charges of assault or abuse ever recorded against me, after over 6 + years, I would like for the government to remove the separation of power in this specific case? To open up a case study into State and Federal Courts imposed Parental Alienation? When does the Government ask the Courts to please explain?

These exceptional circumstances have been illustrated. Please respond with a letter welcoming open communications on the information provided?

Yours faithfully,

Mr Welton

Dear Prime Minister's Science, Engineering and Innovation Council,

Title: Consequia: Revolutionizing Security through Social Enterprise.

Consequia is not just a security system; it represents a paradigm shift in the realm of security solutions. It goes beyond mere access control, evolving into a pioneering Social Enterprise Security (SES) platform. By reengineering security, Consequia aims to connect societies and enterprises, creating a comprehensive super application that transcends boundaries.

The core philosophy of Consequia lies in connecting disparate technologies and compliance requirements, thereby forming an interconnected ecosystem. This approach enables advanced utilization of inputs and outputs, making Consequia the bridge between society and Disconnected Enterprises. The platform breaks down silos of information through the configuration of divisions, establishing a network that serves as the foundational technology for Australia and New Zealand.

Consequia is more than a digital signature; it is the embodiment of each member's identity in society. Recognizing the need for country-specific implementations to ensure compliance, 50% of this groundbreaking idea is gifted to the Australian and New Zealand governments, while the remaining 50% stands as intellectual property.

As an expert in Gallagher Security, the final component of SES, there is a strategic opportunity to collaborate. By offering Gallagher Security a share in the remaining 50%, negotiations can pave the way for a mutually beneficial arrangement. The fusion of Consequia's social front end and enterprise back end with Gallagher Security's core expertise promises to create a singular app that revolutionizes connectivity.

In the spirit of collaboration, the proposal includes an interim request for a paid consultancy role during the project's planning and creation phase. By assuming the role of a Consultant, there is an acknowledgment of the expertise needed to steer Consequia towards becoming the world leader in the Super App Concept by 2030.

The visionary aspect of Consequia extends beyond immediate gains. There's a call to action to create this transformative technology and impart it to the youth of the nation. By integrating Consequia into high school education, the goal is to prepare the next generation for the ongoing technological revolution. This emphasis on social reengineering through Consequia underscores the importance of coming together for a collective purpose.

Despite exceptional circumstances, the urgency to act is clear. Consequia stands as a testament to the potential for innovation in the security landscape. Through collaboration, negotiation, and a forward-looking vision, the aspiration is to not only secure information and technologies but also to empower the youth and pave the way for a new era of connected societies and enterprises. The time to embark on this transformative journey is now.

Yours faithfully,

Mr Welton