Disclosures of Interests from the Entrepreneurs' Programme Committee meeting held on 11/12/2019
Dear FOI Team,
I would like to see each disclosure of interests from the Entrepreneurs' Programme Committee meeting held on 11 December 2019 at Darling Park Tower 3, Level 18, 201 Sussex Street, Sydney.
For each disclosure, please leave unredacted:
- the discloser (at the very least the department position/role of the discloser), and
- the reference number of the application to which the disclosure pertains.
Yours faithfully,
Harry Witherspoon
Dear Harry
We acknowledge receipt of the attached Freedom of Information request.
Your request was received by the Department of Industry, Innovation and
Science (the department) on 10 August 2020.
Your request will be processed in accordance with the FOI Act.
The department will notify you of any charges or of a decision as soon as
If you have any questions, please contact the FOI team.
FOI Team
Legal, Audit and Assurance | Corporate & Digital
GPO Box 2013, Canberra ACT 2601
Please find attached correspondence in relation to your FOI request of 10
August 2020.
FOI Team
Legal, Audit and Assurance | Corporate & Digital
GPO Box 2013, Canberra ACT 2601
Dear Leonie,
I made this FOI request because I suspect that [Name Removed at the request of the Department] had disclosed a conflict of interests in relation to MassChallenge at the EPC meeting. If [Name Removed at the request of the Department] did not declare any interests at the EPC meeting, please advise accordingly and I will withdraw this request.
As part of my request, I asked that the position of each discloser (as per minutes in FOI 66406, e.g. ‘RIF - SA, VIC, WA, TAS’) and the reference number of the ISI application to which their disclosure pertains also be included. These details do not reveal any personal or business information and I trust you will be able to release the details upon receipt of this correspondence.
Further, I also asked to see the disclosures. Given the number of declarations in the document you have provided, I am happy to limit my request to [Name Removed at the request of the Department]’s declarations (and determinations) alone.
Please note that this is a matter of significant public interest and that [Name Removed at the request of the Department]’s regional incubator facilitator (RIF) extracurricular engagements are public knowledge as outlined below.
In your consideration please take into account the following information that I was provided, as it appears that:
- [Name Removed at the request of the Department] was engaged by your department in public office capacity through [Name Removed at the request of the Department] (see [1]),
- [Name Removed at the request of the Department] was engaged by department tender that included notice that expressly prohibited any outside activity for (or promotion of) an incubator business during RIF service (see [2]),
- [Name Removed at the request of the Department] had signed a RIF contract that expressly prohibits harbouring of conflicts of interests (see [3]),
- [Name Removed at the request of the Department] had since publicised his country manager role and activities for MassChallenge (see [16]),
- [Name Removed at the request of the Department] failed to have corrected the department’s ISI program webpage that misrepresented his involvement with MassChallenge as past experience (see [4]),
- [Name Removed at the request of the Department] is noted by your department not to have disclosed interests that apply to MassChallenge on his statutory declaration as well as follow-up declarations of interests as urged by your department in April and June of 2018 (see [5]),
- [Name Removed at the request of the Department] had express notice that providing misleading information to a Commonwealth agency may constitute a criminal offence (see [6]),
- [Name Removed at the request of the Department] engaged in other extracurricular activity without providing prior notice to the department and this was tolerated by department officers (see [7]),
- [Name Removed at the request of the Department] travelled to Boston to tend to MassChallenge duties during the time period of the RIF contract (see [8]),
- [Name Removed at the request of the Department] noted in an email to a department colleague that he is travelling to Boston in June 2018 yet the department was unable to provide any evidence of a formal (written) leave request and approval in accordance with contractual provisions (see [9]),
- [Name Removed at the request of the Department] was under obligation to submit a monthly activity report to the department including any absences yet the department was unable to provide this report for the month of June 2018 (see [10]),
- [Name Removed at the request of the Department] colluded with department officers in making arrangements to be able to send department emails by private channels whilst in Boston in order to circumvent express instruction to refrain from accessing department emails whilst overseas (see [11]),
- [Name Removed at the request of the Department] also benefited from the department’s funding of (and lobbying for) MassChallenge operations in Australia (see [12]),
- [Name Removed at the request of the Department] provided defective advice that is contrary to ISI program guidelines regarding an ISI grant application of a MassChallenge competitor (see [13]), and
- [Name Removed at the request of the Department] publicly severed formal ties with MassChallenge nearly 12 months after providing this defective advice and merely days prior to the competitor’s formal submission of an ISI grant proposal (see [14]); the competitor was advised that the proposal had been disqualified in line with [Name Removed at the request of the Department]’s defective advice with less than 48 hours to the EPC meeting.
For these reasons, including the fact that your department noted to be managing 22 FOI applications relating to this issue (see [15]), it is a matter of significant public interest that [Name Removed at the request of the Department]’s declarations at this meeting be disclosed in full.
Finally, I urge you to continue to stay true to APS values and take inspiration from the admirable conduct of Claire Forsyth and the FOI team in their handling of FOI 66441. As you are aware, the purpose of declarations of interests is to preserve public confidence in government administration. If the department is unwilling to release [Name Removed at the request of the Department]’s declarations under these circumstances, please advise accordingly at your earliest convenience such that I can seek OAIC intervention.
Yours faithfully,
Harry Witherspoon
[1] https://www.tenders.gov.au/Cn/Show/8cb79...
[2] Question 2 of Addendum 6 of RFT No. PRI00003859 as per AusTender
[3] Section 21.1 of the contract in Document 3 in FOI 66441
[4] https://webarchive.nla.gov.au/awa/201903...
[5] Documents 1, 9 & 10 in FOI 66441 and FOI team correspondence with the FOI applicant
[6] Section 30.1 of the contract in Document 3 in FOI 66441
[7] Section 21.1(d) of contract in Document 3 in FOI 66441 and Documents 5,6,7 & 8 in FOI 66441
[8] Video: https://www.facebook.com/watch/?v=219909...
[9] Section 10.4 of contract in Document 3 in FOI 66441, Document 9 in FOI 66441 and correspondence with FOI applicant
[10] Sections 8.2 & 10.4(b) of contract in Document 3 in FOI 66441 and FOI team correspondence with the FOI applicant
[11] Document 9 in FOI 66441
[12] Item 299 in https://webarchive.nla.gov.au/awa/201708...
[13] Feedback on draft ISI proposal (ref no.: HR7N6RLY & 56SR7QPF) and ISI grant guidelines (2017)
[14] [Name Removed at the request of the Department] noted his MassChallenge departure in October 2019 ([URL Removed by Right to Know]) with full awareness of the competitor’s 31 October 2019 proposal due date for EPC meeting deliberation.
[15] https://www.righttoknow.org.au/request/f...
[16] Public information pertinent to [Name Removed at the request of the Department]’s activities for MassChallenge during his RIF engagement:
- [URL Removed by Right to Know]
- [URL Removed by Right to Know])
- [URL Removed by Right to Know]
- [Partial URL Removed by Right to Know]/posts/1895693610489290
- [Partial URL Removed by Right to Know]/posts/2248313218560659
- [Partial URL Removed by Right to Know]/posts/2269141613144486
Dear Freedom of Information,
I am writing to request a decision review and to file a formal complaint.
- Decision review
I am requesting a decision review pursuant to s. 54 of the FOI Act in relation to FOI 66782.
Please note that RIF incubator business activity is purportedly forbidden by the department [3] yet is a matter of public record [4] and subject of considerable public interest [5].
Further, no sensitive information is revealed by disclosing positions/regions of RIFs making DOIs or internal (ISI) reference numbers of applications to which disclosures pertain.
- Complaint
This complaint is not intended as a criticism of the department’s FOI staff. I am concerned with the conduct and influence of AusIndustry line management.
The department decided to redact FOI 66782 RIF disclosures for business and privacy reasons [1-2] despite ample public record [4] and interest [5]. Information without identifying features was also withheld [6].
The department also claimed that its FOI 66692 decision was ‘made within the statutory timeframes’ [7] while in breach of ss. 15(5)(a) & 15(5)(b) of the Freedom of Information Act [8-9].
Most alarmingly, I have received notice from Right to Know that the department sought to censor FOI requests on the Right to Know website. While some details were redacted, to Right to Know's credit, the FOI requests were left in place [10].
I have considered all statements made, and I believe the department is resorting to frivolous claims to strongarm Right to Know into submission and achieve blanket suppression of public ISI FOI requests. Any alleged inaccuracies could have easily been addressed via direct private messaging facilities with individual applicants or by simply replying to requests.
I would like to gain clarity around the following matters:
a) Is it the department’s position that FOI 66782 correspondence [10] contains false statements, and if so, which statements does the department contend?
b) Why did the department demand from Right to Know to censor ISI FOI requests indiscriminately, instead of addressing individual applicants via private messaging facilities on the Right to Know website or by replying to requests?
c) Why did the department claim that FOI 66692 was handled legally [cf. 7-9]?
d) Why was FOI 66692 not handled within the legislated timeframe [7-9]?
e) Why did the department claim that I did not reduce or ‘introduce any limiting factors’ to FOI 66692 item 1, when I did so with clear emphasis [11]?
f) Why did the department decline to provide positions (regions) [6] of RIFs declaring interests in FOI 66782 documents?
Answers to these questions will help me decide whether to escalate the matter to relevant authorities. Department comments should be provided in response to this correspondence.
Yours faithfully,
Harry Witherspoon
[1] Censored RIF DOIs - https://www.righttoknow.org.au/request/6...
[2] Decision to censor RIF DOIs due to privacy and business concerns - https://www.righttoknow.org.au/request/6...
[3] Tender clarification whereby incubator promotion, services and conflicts are expressly forbidden - https://www.righttoknow.org.au/request/q...
[4] List of RIF public incubator service offerings - https://www.righttoknow.org.au/request/e...
[5] According to the department there were 22 applications in relation to ISI in August - https://www.righttoknow.org.au/request/f...
[6] Request for position/role of disclosers and internal application reference numbers - https://www.righttoknow.org.au/request/d...
[7] Quote ‘decision was made within the statutory timeframes’ - https://www.righttoknow.org.au/request/t...
[8] Section 24AB(8) of the FOI Act - ‘The period starting on the day an applicant is given a notice under subsection (2) and ending on the day the applicant does one of the things mentioned in paragraph (6)(b) or (c) is to be disregarded in working out the 30 day period mentioned in paragraph 15(5)(b)’.
[9] Appropriate application of s. 24AB(8) of the Act by ASIC under ‘Timeframe’ - https://www.righttoknow.org.au/request/5...
[10] Public notice by Right to Know - https://www.righttoknow.org.au/request/d...
Statements made -
[11] Amendment of FOI 66692 item 1 - https://www.righttoknow.org.au/request/t...
I confirm receipt of your internal review request received 14 September
A different decision maker will be appointed for your FOI matter.
The current due date for the internal review decision is on or before 13
October 2020.
FOI Team
Legal, Audit and Assurance | Corporate & Digital
GPO Box 2013, Canberra ACT 2601
Dear Harry
Please find attached correspondence in relation to your internal review
request of 14 September 2020.
Due to limited resources and a large increase of FOI request in relation
to the same subject matter, your request to gain clarity around other
matters raised in your email of 14 September 2020 have not been finalised
as yet and will be issued in due course.
Should you have any queries regarding this matter, please contact the FOI
Sasha Pesic
Senior FOI Officer
(02) 6102 8423
FOI Team
Legal, Audit and Assurance | Corporate & Digital
GPO Box 2013, Canberra ACT 2601
Witherspoon left an annotation ()
RE: Information Commissioner review
My email address is: harry [dot] witherspoon79 [at] gmail [dot] com
I would like to see the email message sent by Erin Higuchi to Ben Fairless on September 7, 2020, 3:02 PM GMT+8 in which she outright defames me by asserting that I had made false and defamatory statements in this correspondence:
Release IN FULL what was said about me as my being maligned is unfortunately still my personal information.
[Content against House Rules Removed]
Link to my complaint is here:
Harry Witherspoon

Ben Fairless left an annotation ()
We have hidden information in the most recent email as it goes against our House Rules (https://www.righttoknow.org.au/help/hous...)
Kind Regards,
Ben - Right to Know team
Dear Mr Witherspoon
The Department of Industry, Science, Energy and Resources (the department)
has received your Freedom of Information request of 4 May 2021 (attached).
I am writing on behalf of the department to acknowledge receipt of your
Currently, a decision is due to you by 3 June 2021. However, this timeline
may be affected by the requirement to undertake consultation with affected
third parties, or if the department determines you are liable to pay a
charge in relation to your request. You will be notified by the department
if charges are liable or if a third party consultation is required.
Confirmation of Scope – personal information
For documents that fall within the scope of the request, it is the
practice of the department to withhold:
o the names, signatures and contact details of junior staff; that is:
o Commonwealth staff who are not in the Senior Executive Service
(SES); and
o Ministerial staff below the level of Chief of Staff; and
o the mobile phone numbers of SES officers.
The names and other details of SES officers will be released unless the
information is exempt from disclosure.
Confirmation from you that you are not seeking other 'personal
information' (i.e. contact details of any individuals, or any information
that could reasonably identify an individual) may enable a more timely and
cost effective processing of your request.
Therefore, could you please confirm if you are happy to exclude personal
information in documents relating to:
o Commonwealth staff; and
o third party individuals.
If you are seeking access to specific types of personal information, could
you please specify. If you are not seeking access to any personal
information, you can simply reply to this email with 'no personal
information requested'.
Responding to this email
Could you please provide the above clarification at your earliest
convenience, but by no later than 13 May 2021.
If you have any questions, please contact the department's FOI Team by
email at [1][email address].
Yours sincerely
Christina Graves
Special Counsel
[2][email address]
MinterEllison Constitution Place, 1 Constitution Avenue, Canberra City ACT
[3]minterellison.com Follow us on [4]LinkedIn and [5]Twitter
Sensitive: Legal
Visible links
1. mailto:[email address]
2. mailto:[email address]
3. http://www.minterellison.com/
4. http://www.linkedin.com/company/minter-e...
5. http://twitter.com/minterellison
Dear Mr Witherspoon
Please find attached a third party consultation notice issued by the
Department of Industry, Science, Energy and Resources.
Yours sincerely,
Christina Graves
Special Counsel
[1][email address]
MinterEllison Constitution Place, 1 Constitution Avenue, Canberra City ACT
[2]minterellison.com Follow us on [3]LinkedIn and [4]Twitter
Sensitive: Legal
Visible links
1. mailto:[email address]
2. http://www.minterellison.com/
3. http://www.linkedin.com/company/minter-e...
4. http://twitter.com/minterellison
Dear Harry
Please find attached correspondence in relation to your FOI request of 4
May 2021.
Should you have any queries regarding this matter, please contact the FOI
FOI Team
Legal, Audit and Assurance | Corporate & Digital
GPO Box 2013, Canberra ACT 2601
Ben Fairless left an annotation ()
Right to Know has been contacted by the Department of Industry, Science, Energy and Resources in relation to this request.
We have hidden the names of a public servant and a company at the request of the Department.
We feel that it's appropriate for the contents of the request to remain, however have agreed with the Department to hide the names in question.
Any questions in relation to this should be directed to contact@righttoknow.org.au.