GIPA review log of agency information

The request was partially successful.

Dear NSW Police Force,

Under the Government Information (Public Access) Act 2009 No 52 ("GIPA") act it requires the NSW Police to review it's agenycy information guide.

This should be dealt informationally given this is a statutory requirement under s. 21 of the GIPA act and public interest would favor to release this under the mandatory proactive release of information otherwise.

I would like the review log of the agency information guide which either may or may not include partial or full record of;

a) When the agency information guide was reviwed

b) Who or which unit / department reviewed it

c) Result or report of such review/s

Yours faithfully,


Dear NSW Police Force,

I have not received any response to my informal GIPA request -

I suspect that you may have lost this response - please clarify that you have received this

For your convenience here is the copy:

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Dear NSW Police Force,

Under the Government Information (Public Access) Act 2009 No 52 ("GIPA") act it requires the NSW Police to review it's agenycy information guide.

This should be dealt informationally given this is a statutory requirement under s. 21 of the GIPA act and public interest would favor to release this under the mandatory proactive release of information otherwise.

I would like the review log of the agency information guide which either may or may not include partial or full record of;

a) When the agency information guide was reviwed

b) Who or which unit / department reviewed it

c) Result or report of such review/s

Yours faithfully,


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I would like to deal this administratively.

Yours faithfully,


MEminov, NSW Police Force

Dear Miss Anonymous

Thank you for your email.

In response to items 9a) and (b) of your request:

a) The agency information guide was last reviewed in June 2024 in accordance with s 21 of the GIPA Act.
b) InfoLink Command reviewed the guide

In response to item (c), I have considered your request and from my assessment of the scope of the request, the NSWPF declines to provide the information you seek informally. You may wish to seek access via a formal GIPA Application which can be accessed via our online portal here.


Manager, Advisory & Education
InfoLink, Office of the General Counsel

MEminov, NSW Police Force

Dear Miss Anonymous

Thank you for your email requesting access to information under the Government Information (Public Access) Act 2009 (GIPA Act).

You have specifically sought access via informal release of government information under s 8 of the GIPA Act.

I note that s 8(1) of the GIPA Act provides that:
An agency is authorised to release information held by it to a person in response to an informal request by the person (that is, a request that is not an access application) unless there is an overriding public interest against disclosure of the information.

I have considered your request and from my assessment of the scope of the request, NSWPF declines to provide the information you seek informally.
As a result, the NSWPF is not required to provide you with access under s 8 of the GIPA Act and this decision cannot be reviewed.

However, you may wish to seek access via a formal GIPA Application which can be accessed via our online portal here.


Manager, Advisory & Education
InfoLink, Office of the General Counsel

Dear NSW Police Force

Re: GIPA review log of agency information

Thank you for partial disclosure on this matter informally. Have a great rest of the week.

Yours sincerely,
