OPC correspondents between private members

Alex Pentland made this Freedom of Information request to Office of Parliamentary Counsel

This request has been closed to new correspondence from the public body. Contact us if you think it ought be re-opened.

This request has been withdrawn by the person who made it. There may be an explanation in the correspondence below.

Dear Office of Parliamentary Counsel,

I request access to correspondence or records of communications from the Council between any of the following individuals from the period of 1 June 2019:
Gerard Rennick
George Robert Christensen
Alexander Charles Antic
Matthew James Canavan
Craig Kelly
Pauline Lee Hanson
Malcolm Ieuan Roberts
Claire Chandle
Barnaby Thomas Gerard Joyce


Alex Pentland

FOI, Office of Parliamentary Counsel

The sender of this email certifies that its contents, and any attachments,
are of an 'OFFICIAL' nature.

Dear Alex

Thank you for your FOI request received on 22 February 2022.

To process the request, can you please clarify the following:
- whether you are only seeking correspondence with the listed people as
private members and not as Ministers; and
- whether you are seeking correspondence from the Office of Parliamentary
Counsel to those people, or from the Office of Parliamentary Counsel to
those people, or between those people (or all of the above).


| FOI Contact Officer
a: 28 Sydney Ave Forrest ACT 2603
e: [OPC request email]
w: www.opc.gov.au

show quoted sections

Dear FOI,

Following sending a FOI request relating to this issue in private, to prevent duplication, I seek to withdraw this request.

Yours sincerely,

Alex Pentland

FOI, Office of Parliamentary Counsel

The sender of this email certifies that its contents, and any attachments,
are of an 'OFFICIAL' nature.

Good afternoon Alex,

Thank you for confirming that you are withdrawing your FOI request sent to
the Office of Parliamentary Counsel on 22 February 2022.


| FOI Contact Officer
a: 28 Sydney Ave Forrest ACT 2603
e: [OPC request email]
w: www.opc.gov.au

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