Dear Administrative Appeals Tribunal,

Eight categories, and respective subcategories, of information are sought, as follows:

Decisions made by Ms Kira Raif:

1. Category 1: The total number of cases finalised by Ms Kira Raif in the Migration and Refugee Division of the Administrative Appeals Tribunal, for each calendar year starting from the year when her first case was finalised.

a. Subcategory of Category 1: Out of the number in Category 1, the total number of cases where the decisions under review were not affirmed, for each such calendar year.

2. Category 2: The total number of cases finalised by Ms Kira Raif in the General Division of the Administrative Appeals Tribunal where what was reviewed were decisions made under Part 9 of the Migration Act 1958 (Cth), for each calendar year starting from the year when her first case was finalised.

a. Subcategory of Category 2: Out of the number in Category 2, the total number of cases where the decisions under review were not affirmed, for each such calendar year.

3. Category 3: The total number of cases finalised by Ms Kira Raif in the Migration Review Tribunal, for each calendar year starting from the year when her first case was finalised.

a. Subcategory of Category 3: Out of the number in Category 3, the total number of cases where the decisions under review were not affirmed, for each such calendar year.

4. Category 4: The total number of cases finalised by Ms Kira Raif in the Refugee Review Tribunal, for each calendar year starting from the year when her first case was finalised.

a. Subcategory of Category 4: Out of the number in Category 4, the total number of cases where the decisions under review were not affirmed, for each such calendar year.

Decisions made by decision-makers other than Ms Kira Raif:

5. Category 5: The total number of cases finalised by decision-makers other than Ms Kira Raif in the Migration and Refugee Division of the Administrative Appeals Tribunal, for each calendar year contemplated by Category 1.

a. Subcategory of Category 5: Out of the number in Category 5, the total number of cases where the decisions under review were not affirmed, for each such calendar year.

6. Category 6: The total number of cases finalised by decision-makers other than Ms Kira Raif in the General Division of the Administrative Appeals Tribunal where what was reviewed were decisions made under Part 9 of the Migration Act 1958 (Cth), for each calendar year contemplated by Category 2.

a. Subcategory of Category 6: Out of the number in Category 6, the total number of cases where the decisions under review were not affirmed, for each such calendar year.

7. Category 7: The total number of cases finalised by decision-makers other than Ms Kira Raif in the Migration Review Tribunal, for each calendar year contemplated by Category 3.

a. Subcategory of Category 7: Out of the number in Category 7, the total number of cases where the decisions under review were not affirmed, for each such calendar year.

8. Category 8: The total number of cases finalised by decision-makers other than Ms Kira Raif in the Refugee Review Tribunal, for each calendar year contemplated by Category 4.

a. Subcategory of Category 8: Out of the number in Category 8, the total number of cases where the decisions under review were not affirmed, for each such calendar year.

The FOI applicant further notes as follows:

a. The word “finalised” above:

A) when used in categories 1 to 4, refers to cases finalised by Ms Raif where she was the only decision-maker (i.e. where the Tribunal in question was constituted only by Ms Raif), whether as a Member or Senior Member;

B) refers to final/substantive (i.e. not procedural, such as whether to issue a subpoena or call a witness to give evidence) review decisions made;

C) excludes decisions made under section 362B of the Migration Act 1958 (Cth);

D) excludes decisions made under section 426A of the Migration Act 1958 (Cth);

E) excludes decisions made under section 42A of the Administrative Appeals Tribunal Act 1975 (Cth);

F) excludes cases finalised by reason of the respective review applications being withdrawn by the review applicant (this exclusion was ignored in the disclosure contained in FOI reference 2023/0104);

G) excludes cases finalised by reason of the respective review applications being withdrawn on behalf of a review applicant;

H) excludes cases finalised by reason of any review application fee (whether or not it was reduced by the Tribunal) not having been paid;

I) excludes cases finalised by reason of the review application been lodged through an invalid lodgement method;

J) excludes cases finalised by reason of there being no primary decision for review;

K) excludes cases finalised by reason of there being no Tribunal-reviewable decision;

L) excludes outcomes described by footnote #5 of the disclosure contained in FOI reference 2023/0104 as follows:

i. “Fee not waived/reduced and not paid”;

ii. “Invalid lodgement method”;

iii. “No primary decision for review”;

iv. “No Tribunal-reviewable decision”;

v. “Timeframes not met”.

M) excludes cases finalised by consent of one or more parties;

N) excludes outcomes described by footnote #7 of by the disclosure contained in FOI reference 2023/0104:

i. “by consent”; and

ii. “By consent …”; and

iii. “Other”.

O) excludes decisions involving a finding that the Tribunal did not have jurisdiction, whether for reason of the review application being filed after any statutory deadlines, by being filed by someone who was unauthorised to file a review application or otherwise;

P) includes only decisions which include one or more of the following outcomes:

i. decisions affirming the decision under review;

ii. decisions setting aside the decision under review;

iii. decisions varying the decision under review;

iv. decisions substituting another decision for the decision under review;

v. decisions remitting the matter to the original decision-maker, with or without a direction to the original decision-maker;

Q) refers only to final/substantive (i.e. not procedural, such as whether to issue a subpoena or call a witness to give evidence) review decisions made (this is similar, but not the same, as item a(B));

b. If, for example, Ms Raif made decisions from 2006 until 2023 (inclusive), the answers sought would be as follows, with the terms ‘A’, ‘AA’, ‘B’, ‘BB’ … ‘CC’ below representing the respective number of decisions:

o Category 1 (decisions in the Migration and Refugee Division of the Administrative Appeals Tribunal):

 2006: A decisions

 2007: B decisions

 …

 2023: C decisions

o Subcategory of Category 1:

 2006: AA decisions

 2007: BB decisions

 …

 2023: CC decisions

c. The same rationale discussed in item (b) above applies to categories 2 to 8 and their respective subcategories.

d. The ellipses used above do not indicate that the information is not sought for years 2008 to 2002 (inclusive). On the contrary, the information is sought for those years too.

Yours faithfully,


FOI, Administrative Appeals Tribunal

Dear Siobhan,

I refer to your FOI request below. I note that this request appears identical to one lodged on 2 May 2023, the document for which was released in full to you on 19 June 2023.

Please advise if you would like me to send the FOI decision and released document again.

If you made the below subsequent request in error, kindly confirm that you withdraw.

Please contact me if you have any questions.

Kind regards,

Policy Officer

Administrative Appeals Tribunal
Principal Registry, Melbourne
Legal & Policy

-----Original Message-----
From: Caitlin <[FOI #10414 email]>
Sent: Friday, 30 June 2023 5:50 PM
To: FOI <[email address]>
Subject: Freedom of Information request - Outcomes of decisions made by Members of the AAT

"Do not click any links or open any attachments unless you trust the sender, are expecting this email and know the content is safe.”

Dear Administrative Appeals Tribunal,

Eight categories, and respective subcategories, of information are sought, as follows:

Decisions made by Ms Kira Raif:

1. Category 1: The total number of cases finalised by Ms Kira Raif in the Migration and Refugee Division of the Administrative Appeals Tribunal, for each calendar year starting from the year when her first case was finalised.

a. Subcategory of Category 1: Out of the number in Category 1, the total number of cases where the decisions under review were not affirmed, for each such calendar year.

2. Category 2: The total number of cases finalised by Ms Kira Raif in the General Division of the Administrative Appeals Tribunal where what was reviewed were decisions made under Part 9 of the Migration Act 1958 (Cth), for each calendar year starting from the year when her first case was finalised.

a. Subcategory of Category 2: Out of the number in Category 2, the total number of cases where the decisions under review were not affirmed, for each such calendar year.

3. Category 3: The total number of cases finalised by Ms Kira Raif in the Migration Review Tribunal, for each calendar year starting from the year when her first case was finalised.

a. Subcategory of Category 3: Out of the number in Category 3, the total number of cases where the decisions under review were not affirmed, for each such calendar year.

4. Category 4: The total number of cases finalised by Ms Kira Raif in the Refugee Review Tribunal, for each calendar year starting from the year when her first case was finalised.

a. Subcategory of Category 4: Out of the number in Category 4, the total number of cases where the decisions under review were not affirmed, for each such calendar year.

Decisions made by decision-makers other than Ms Kira Raif:

5. Category 5: The total number of cases finalised by decision-makers other than Ms Kira Raif in the Migration and Refugee Division of the Administrative Appeals Tribunal, for each calendar year contemplated by Category 1.

a. Subcategory of Category 5: Out of the number in Category 5, the total number of cases where the decisions under review were not affirmed, for each such calendar year.

6. Category 6: The total number of cases finalised by decision-makers other than Ms Kira Raif in the General Division of the Administrative Appeals Tribunal where what was reviewed were decisions made under Part 9 of the Migration Act 1958 (Cth), for each calendar year contemplated by Category 2.

a. Subcategory of Category 6: Out of the number in Category 6, the total number of cases where the decisions under review were not affirmed, for each such calendar year.

7. Category 7: The total number of cases finalised by decision-makers other than Ms Kira Raif in the Migration Review Tribunal, for each calendar year contemplated by Category 3.

a. Subcategory of Category 7: Out of the number in Category 7, the total number of cases where the decisions under review were not affirmed, for each such calendar year.

8. Category 8: The total number of cases finalised by decision-makers other than Ms Kira Raif in the Refugee Review Tribunal, for each calendar year contemplated by Category 4.

a. Subcategory of Category 8: Out of the number in Category 8, the total number of cases where the decisions under review were not affirmed, for each such calendar year.

The FOI applicant further notes as follows:

a. The word “finalised” above:

A) when used in categories 1 to 4, refers to cases finalised by Ms Raif where she was the only decision-maker (i.e. where the Tribunal in question was constituted only by Ms Raif), whether as a Member or Senior Member;

B) refers to final/substantive (i.e. not procedural, such as whether to issue a subpoena or call a witness to give evidence) review decisions made;

C) excludes decisions made under section 362B of the Migration Act 1958 (Cth);

D) excludes decisions made under section 426A of the Migration Act 1958 (Cth);

E) excludes decisions made under section 42A of the Administrative Appeals Tribunal Act 1975 (Cth);

F) excludes cases finalised by reason of the respective review applications being withdrawn by the review applicant (this exclusion was ignored in the disclosure contained in FOI reference 2023/0104);

G) excludes cases finalised by reason of the respective review applications being withdrawn on behalf of a review applicant;

H) excludes cases finalised by reason of any review application fee (whether or not it was reduced by the Tribunal) not having been paid;

I) excludes cases finalised by reason of the review application been lodged through an invalid lodgement method;

J) excludes cases finalised by reason of there being no primary decision for review;

K) excludes cases finalised by reason of there being no Tribunal-reviewable decision;

L) excludes outcomes described by footnote #5 of the disclosure contained in FOI reference 2023/0104 as follows:

i. “Fee not waived/reduced and not paid”;

ii. “Invalid lodgement method”;

iii. “No primary decision for review”;

iv. “No Tribunal-reviewable decision”;

v. “Timeframes not met”.

M) excludes cases finalised by consent of one or more parties;

N) excludes outcomes described by footnote #7 of by the disclosure contained in FOI reference 2023/0104:

i. “by consent”; and

ii. “By consent …”; and

iii. “Other”.

O) excludes decisions involving a finding that the Tribunal did not have jurisdiction, whether for reason of the review application being filed after any statutory deadlines, by being filed by someone who was unauthorised to file a review application or otherwise;

P) includes only decisions which include one or more of the following outcomes:

i. decisions affirming the decision under review;

ii. decisions setting aside the decision under review;

iii. decisions varying the decision under review;

iv. decisions substituting another decision for the decision under review;

v. decisions remitting the matter to the original decision-maker, with or without a direction to the original decision-maker;

Q) refers only to final/substantive (i.e. not procedural, such as whether to issue a subpoena or call a witness to give evidence) review decisions made (this is similar, but not the same, as item a(B));

b. If, for example, Ms Raif made decisions from 2006 until 2023 (inclusive), the answers sought would be as follows, with the terms ‘A’, ‘AA’, ‘B’, ‘BB’ … ‘CC’ below representing the respective number of decisions:

o Category 1 (decisions in the Migration and Refugee Division of the Administrative Appeals Tribunal):

 2006: A decisions

 2007: B decisions

 …

 2023: C decisions

o Subcategory of Category 1:

 2006: AA decisions

 2007: BB decisions

 …

 2023: CC decisions

c. The same rationale discussed in item (b) above applies to categories 2 to 8 and their respective subcategories.

d. The ellipses used above do not indicate that the information is not sought for years 2008 to 2002 (inclusive). On the contrary, the information is sought for those years too.

Yours faithfully,



Please use this email address for all replies to this request:

[FOI #10414 email]

Is [AAT request email] the wrong address for Freedom of Information requests to Administrative Appeals Tribunal? If so, please contact us using this form:

This request has been made by an individual using Right to Know. This message and any reply that you make will be published on the internet. More information on how Right to Know works can be found at:

Please note that in some cases publication of requests and responses will be delayed.

If you find this service useful as an FOI officer, please ask your web manager to link to us from your organisation's FOI page.


The Administrative Appeals Tribunal acknowledges the traditional owners and custodians of country throughout Australia and acknowledges their continuing connection to land, waters and community. We pay our respects to the people, the cultures and elders past and present.


This message and any attachments may contain confidential or legally privileged information. If the message was sent to you by mistake, please delete all copies and notify the AAT by return email. Any review, retransmission, dissemination or other use of this information by persons or entities other than the intended recipient is prohibited and may attract criminal penalties.

hide quoted sections

Dear Marta,

Thank you for your email.

The request is similar to the one lodged on 02/05/23 ("the first FOI request") but it is not identical. Our new FOI request is in fact responsive to the information we were provided in response to the first FOI request (FOI reference 2023/0104), which regrettably did not provide us with the information we were seeking.

In particular, you'll note we have provided very specific details as to what we mean by 'finalised' with respect to the new FOI request. We have excluded a number of categories of outcomes from this under C) to O), including outcomes described by footnotes #5 and #7 of the disclosure contained in FOI reference 2023/0104 (being the first FOI request disclosure). We have also specifically defined what "finalised" includes under P) and Q).

I trust this resolves your question but otherwise please don't hesitate to contact me.

Yours sincerely,


FOI, Administrative Appeals Tribunal

Dear Siobhan,

Thank you for your response. My apologies that the information you seek was missed in the previous FOI request.

For the sake of clarity, I would be grateful if you could confirm that the scope of your request relates to the cases finalised by Senior Member Raif (and other decision makers) with the exclusion of the following outcomes:

- Application dismissed
- Withdrawn
- No jurisdiction for any reason, including non-payment (or waiver/reduction) of fee, invalid lodgement, no reviewable decision, timeframes not met or incorrect person applied for review
- Finalised by consent
- Where the finalisation reason is 'Other'

I note that you have specifically included the following outcomes which you wish to be included

- decisions affirming the decision under review
- decisions setting aside the decision under review
- decisions varying the decision under review
- decisions substituting another decision for the decision under review
- decisions remitting the matter

Please do not hesitate to contact me again if the above summary is incorrect. I will liaise with the Reporting team to determine whether the information can be produced using computer systems available to the AAT without substantially and unreasonably diverting resources as permitted by section 17 of the FOI Act.


Policy Officer

Administrative Appeals Tribunal
Principal Registry, Melbourne
Legal & Policy

-----Original Message-----
From: Caitlin <[FOI #10414 email]>
Sent: Thursday, 13 July 2023 5:10 PM
To: FOI <[email address]>
Subject: RE: Freedom of Information request - Outcomes of decisions made by Members of the AAT [SEC=OFFICIAL]

"Do not click any links or open any attachments unless you trust the sender, are expecting this email and know the content is safe."

Dear Marta,

Thank you for your email.

The request is similar to the one lodged on 02/05/23 ("the first FOI request") but it is not identical. Our new FOI request is in fact responsive to the information we were provided in response to the first FOI request (FOI reference 2023/0104), which regrettably did not provide us with the information we were seeking.

In particular, you'll note we have provided very specific details as to what we mean by 'finalised' with respect to the new FOI request. We have excluded a number of categories of outcomes from this under C) to O), including outcomes described by footnotes #5 and #7 of the disclosure contained in FOI reference 2023/0104 (being the first FOI request disclosure). We have also specifically defined what "finalised" includes under P) and Q).

I trust this resolves your question but otherwise please don't hesitate to contact me.

Yours sincerely,


-----Original Message-----

Dear Siobhan,

I refer to your FOI request below. I note that this request appears identical to one lodged on 2 May 2023, the document for which was released in full to you on 19 June 2023.

Please advise if you would like me to send the FOI decision and released document again.

If you made the below subsequent request in error, kindly confirm that you withdraw.

Please contact me if you have any questions.

Kind regards,

Policy Officer

Administrative Appeals Tribunal
Principal Registry, Melbourne
Legal & Policy

Please use this email address for all replies to this request:
[FOI #10414 email]

This request has been made by an individual using Right to Know. This message and any reply that you make will be published on the internet. More information on how Right to Know works can be found at:

Please note that in some cases publication of requests and responses will be delayed.

If you find this service useful as an FOI officer, please ask your web manager to link to us from your organisation's FOI page.


The Administrative Appeals Tribunal acknowledges the traditional owners and custodians of country throughout Australia and acknowledges their continuing connection to land, waters and community. We pay our respects to the people, the cultures and elders past and present.


This message and any attachments may contain confidential or legally privileged information. If the message was sent to you by mistake, please delete all copies and notify the AAT by return email. Any review, retransmission, dissemination or other use of this information by persons or entities other than the intended recipient is prohibited and may attract criminal penalties.

hide quoted sections

Dear Marta,

Thanks for your email, and no apologies necessary.

To clarify - the description of changes contained in your email below is incomplete.

The changes concern the definition of the word “finalised” (more particularly, paragraph (a) of that definition), as follows:
• Labels have now been assigned to each of the bullet points within paragraph (a) of that definition. The labels are subparagraphs (a)(A) to (a)(F).
• The following words have been added to the end of subparagraph (a)(F), which was the last bullet point within paragraph (a) of the original definition: “(this exclusion was ignored in the disclosure contained in FOI reference 2023/0104)”.
• Subparagraphs (a)(G) to (a)(Q) have been added after paragraph (a)(F) (i.e. after the last bullet point within paragraph (a)) of the original definition.

We trust this resolves your query but please let us know if you have any further questions.

Yours sincerely,


FOI, Administrative Appeals Tribunal

2 Attachments



Dear Siobhan,


Please find attached FOI decision and document released, pertaining to
your request of 30 June 2023.


If you have any questions please contact [1][AAT request email]





Policy Officer


Administrative Appeals Tribunal

Principal Registry, Melbourne

Legal & Policy





The Administrative Appeals Tribunal acknowledges the traditional owners
and custodians of country throughout Australia and acknowledges their
continuing connection to land, waters and community. We pay our respects
to the people, the cultures and elders past and present.



This message and any attachments may contain confidential or legally
privileged information. If the message was sent to you by mistake, please
delete all copies and notify the AAT by return email. Any review,
retransmission, dissemination or other use of this information by persons
or entities other than the intended recipient is prohibited and may
attract criminal penalties.



Visible links
1. mailto:[AAT request email]