Plum Superannuation Fund Audited Accounts

Phillip Sweeney made this Freedom of Information request to Australian Prudential Regulation Authority

This request has been closed to new correspondence from the public body. Contact us if you think it ought be re-opened.

The request was partially successful.

Phillip Sweeney

Dear Australian Prudential Regulation Authority,

I am seeking a copy of the audited accounts for the Plum Superannuation Fund (ABN 20 339 905 340) for the year ending 30 June 2014 and associated Auditor's Report.

The trustee of this fund is PFS Nominees Pty Ltd.

Yours faithfully,

Phillip Sweeney

Freedom of Information, Australian Prudential Regulation Authority

1 Attachment

Dear Phillip Sweeney

Please see attached, APRA's acknowledgement letter dated 27 October 2015.

Kind regards


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Freedom of Information, Australian Prudential Regulation Authority

1 Attachment

Dear Phillip Sweeney

Please see the attached charges notice.

Kind regards



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Phillip Sweeney

Dear Freedom of Information,

I refer to the FOI application for a copy of the Audited Accounts of the Plum Superannuation Fund.

This NAB fund has over $11 billion under management and so is a major fund and not an minor fund.

I dispute that it would take APRA 4 hours to locate this document. Trustees must lodge a copy of this document each year with APRA and APRA should have a filing system that allows for the easy retrieval of documents that MUST be lodged with APRA. Otherwise what is the point in mandating the lodgement of certain documents.

Members of the public seeking document should not be forced to pay because APRA's has failed to put in an efficient document retrieval system.

It should take no more than 15 minutes to retrieve this document.

Please adjust you FOI response accordingly

Please adjust

Yours sincerely,

Phillip Sweeney

Freedom of Information, Australian Prudential Regulation Authority

2 Attachments

Dear Mr Sweeney,
Please see attached, APRA’s revised Notice of Charge dated 26 November
Kind regards,
APRA FOI Officer

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