Registered company with Illegal activity

Eamonn Mulholland made this Freedom of Information request to Australian Securities and Investments Commission

This request has been closed to new correspondence from the public body. Contact us if you think it ought be re-opened.

Eamonn Mulholland

Dear Australian Securities and Investments Commission,

i have lodged an investigation complaint this week into a company that i have found to be acting illegally and possibly they are Bogus and do not exist.
have listed a default on my credit report, i have conducted my own investigations and have found.
any mail you have been sending to their Registered Place of Business has always been returned to you because the Company does not exist at that address.They have never been in occupation at their Principal Place of Business.
Their website does not exist and their phone number does not exist.
They had a trading name, AUSCML HOLDINGS PTY LIMITED, that company was de-registered for being insolvent.
i have been told by VEDA that they have the companies contact details but they will not provide them to me even after i have lodged a complaint with ASIC, ACCC, Financial Ombudsman, Mr Anthony Albanese MP, DOFT, Federal Police ATO, and others.
I am asking you to provide me wit hthis companies information, ALL OF IT.
i have paid for the company extract but that has little information on it.

Yours faithfully,

e a mulholland

Grace Gagliano, Australian Securities and Investments Commission

6 Attachments

Dear Mr Mulholland

Please find attached letter in relation to your FOI request of 22 July

Yours sincerely
Grace Gagliano

Grace Gagliano | Legal Administrative Officer, Registry | Australian
Securities & Investments Commission | Level 7, 120 Collins Street,
Melbourne VIC 3000 | email: [1][email address]| phone: +61 3
9280 3214 (ext: 33214)
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Eamonn Mulholland

Dear Australian Securities and Investments Commission,

Please pass this on to the person who conducts Freedom of Information reviews.

I am writing to request an internal review of Australian Securities and Investments Commission's handling of my FOI request 'Registered company with Illegal activity'.

ASIC have now discovered the Company in question is Abandoned, but refuse to derigister it. I must ask WHY ?

A full history of my FOI request and all correspondence is available on the Internet at this address:

Yours faithfully,

Eamonn Mulholland

Kristina Penny, Australian Securities and Investments Commission

5 Attachments

Our Ref: 244/2016

Dear Mr Mulholland

Freedom of Information Request - Taken to be withdrawn
I refer to your email of 22 July 2016 sent to our FOI request email
address regarding Credit Management Australasia Pty Ltd (the Company).

I also refer to my letter of 28 July 2016, which invited you to clarify
your request for 'this company's information, all of it' in relation to a
request for access to documents under the Freedom of Information Act 1982
(FOI Act).  In particular, I asked that you specify the document or
category of documents that you seek.

In accordance with section 24AB of the FOI Act, I requested you to do one
of the following by 11 August 2016:

 a. withdraw your request,
 b. make a revised request, or
 c. indicate that you do not wish to revise the request.

ASIC received your email of 10 August 2016 seeking an internal review of
your FOI request.  It appears you may have understood my letter of 28 July
2016 as a refusal to grant access to documents.  My letter was not
advising you of a decision but a request that you specify the document to
which you seek access.  

The consultation period in accordance with section 24AB of the FOI Act has
now expired and in accordance with sections 24AB(6) and 24AB(7) of the FOI
Act, it is taken to be withdrawn.

New request

Should you wish to submit a new request for access to documents under the
FOI Act, please clearly set out the specific document you are seeking to
enable us to identify the document.  The FOI Act provides a right of
access to properly identified documents held by an agency and does not
require an agency to provide information.

ASIC initiated deregistration of companies

In your email of 10 August 2016, you asked for information about
deregistration of companies.

The Corporations Act 2001 sets out the procedures to deregister companies.
 In accordance with the legislation, ASIC may initiate deregistration of a
company in the following circumstances:

 1. The company has not paid the annual review fee within 12 months after
the due date, or
 2. The company has not responded to a Compliance notice and it has not
lodged documents in 18 months and we do not believe that the company
is carrying on business, or
 3. The company is being wound up and there is no liquidator.

The most common reason ASIC initiates deregistration of a company is due
to unpaid review fees.

More information in relation to ASIC initiated deregistration can be found
on our website [1]

If you have any further queries, please feel free to contact me.

Yours sincerely

 Kristina Penny | Senior Specialist, Legal | Registry | Australian
Securities & Investments Commission | Level 7, 120 Collins Street,
Melbourne VIC 3000 | e: [email address] | p: +61 3 9280 4994

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