Report of Federal Police corruption investigation 1994

Jon Doust made this Freedom of Information request to WA Department of Agriculture and Food

This request has been closed to new correspondence from the public body. Contact us if you think it ought be re-opened.

The request was partially successful.

Dear WA Department of Agriculture and Food,
In 1994, the Federal Police investigated alleged corruption within the Department of Agriculture.
I assume there are reports in department archives and I would like to peruse such documents to help with a book I am working on.

Thank you
Yours faithfully,
Jon Doust

Jeena Jamaludin,

1 Attachment

Good Afternoon,


I refer to your email below. The information you are seeking access can be
obtained by lodging a Freedom of Information (FOI) access application.


To make an FOI access application, your application has to:

·         be in writing;

·         give enough information to enable the requested documents to be

·         give an Australian address for notices to be sent (an email
address alone is not sufficient); and

·         be lodged at the agency with the appropriate fee ($30 if you are
seeking information that is not just about you - no application fee is
payable for access to personal information that is just about you).

The Department has 45 calendar days to process, from the date you lodge
the Application.


Please consider advising us why you seek access to the document(s) or
information, or if you plan to use the document(s) or information for a
specific purpose.  This may assist the Department to clarify which
document(s) you are seeking and help you focus your request.  It may also
enable the Department to consider whether it can informally release the
document(s) or information to you without the need for a formal FOI access


Please find the application form attached.




Jeena Jamaludin | Freedom of Information Officer

Information Services

Capability and Performance

Department of Primary Industries and Regional Development

Locked Bag 4 | Bentley Delivery Centre WA 6983

Ph: 6552 2193 | [mobile number] | w  [1]




show quoted sections

Dear Jeena Jamaludin,
Good morning.
I was checking this for your follow up email, but, then, maybe you were going to email, rather than message on this site.

Everything in progress?
People are burrowing in the archives?
Are they happy?
Of course they are - they have jobs.

Yours sincerely,
Jon Doust

Jeena Jamaludin,

1 Attachment

Good Afternoon Jon,

I acknowledge your request for access to documents under the Freedom of Information Act 1992 (FOI Act) received by the Department of Primary Industries and Regional Development on 8 September 2021.

Please find attached receipt for the application fee of $30.00.

As discussed via our phone conversation dated 10 September 2021, the scope of your request is too broad.

Preliminary searches based on the scope of your application have been conducted, and I was unable to locate any documents. I am making further enquiries with our records team and other business units to conduct searches regarding an AFP investigation that occurred in 1994 related to Pink Lady apples.

I will provide you with an update as soon as I can. Meanwhile, if you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to call, or email me.


Jeena Jamaludin | Freedom of Information Officer
Information Services
Capability and Performance
Department of Primary Industries and Regional Development
Locked Bag 4 | Bentley Delivery Centre WA 6983
Ph: 6552 2193 | [mobile number] | w

show quoted sections

Jeena Jamaludin,

Good morning Jon,

Thank you for your time on the phone this morning.

As discussed, can I suggest you amend the scope of your application to "any information related to an Australian Federal Police investigation in 1994 regarding the development and promotion of Pink Lady apples."

Would you please advise me if you agree to the above scope? Based on your approval, I will process the application and provide you with a decision.


Jeena Jamaludin | Freedom of Information Officer
Information Services
Capability and Performance
Department of Primary Industries and Regional Development
Locked Bag 4 | Bentley Delivery Centre WA 6983
Ph: 6552 2193 | [mobile number] | w

show quoted sections

Dear Jeena Jamaludin,
Yes, please, go ahead as agreed.

Yours sincerely,

Jon Doust

Dear Jeena Jamaludin,
I have new information, Jeena.
A copy of Hansard, which refers to what I'm looking for.
Can I send it to you?
Yours sincerely,

Jon Doust

Jeena Jamaludin,

Yes, John. Please send me the information you have.


Jeena Jamaludin | Freedom of Information Officer
Information Services
Capability and Performance
Department of Primary Industries and Regional Development
Locked Bag 4 | Bentley Delivery Centre WA 6983
Ph: 6552 2193 | [mobile number] | w

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Dear Jeena Jamaludin,

good morning.
how do i send it, Jeena?
what address?
or here, but i can't seem to find the ability.

Yours sincerely,

Jon Doust

Jeena Jamaludin,

Good Morning Jon,

You can either send to [email address] or [email address] .


Jeena Jamaludin | Freedom of Information Officer
Information Services
Capability and Performance
Department of Primary Industries and Regional Development
Locked Bag 4 | Bentley Delivery Centre WA 6983
Ph: 6552 2193 | [mobile number] | w

show quoted sections

Dear Jeena Jamaludin,

I'm sorry, I laughed, because the email addresses were removed.

Yours sincerely,

Jon Doust

Dear Jeena Jamaludin,
As discussed, please amend my FOI request to an internal investigation report prepared by the Department regarding the use of Phenyl Mercuric Chloride, illegal chemical, alleged use in WA orchards that occurred between 1993 and 1995.

Yours sincerely,

Jon Doust