Request DAAI-110244 inquiry report

LS made this Freedom of Information request to Department of Defence

This request has been closed to new correspondence from the public body. Contact us if you think it ought be re-opened.

The request was refused by Department of Defence.

Dear Department of Defence,

I am requesting the outcome report from the Directorate of Army Inquires - Inquiry 110244 into alleged unacceptable behaviour within the Australian Defence Force School of Special Operations.

Yours faithfully,


FOI, Department of Defence

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    20221027 23 14 Email LS FOI requests at Defence Freedom of Information request Request DAAI 110244 inquiry report.txt

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Good morning LS,


The report that you are seeking is a report of an Inquiry Officer Inquiry
appointed under the Defence (Inquiry) Regulations 2018.  Section 38 of the
FOI Act exempts documents if disclosure of the document is prohibited
under a provision of an enactment.   This is the case for the report that
you are seeking.   However, the FOI Act does allow for the release of the
personal information of the applicant contained in the document to the


Regrettably, as it is not possible to establish your identity, it is not
possible to determine if any of your personal information is contained
within the report.


If you believe the report contains your personal information, please
provide photographic proof of identify to enable consideration of the
document for release.


Alternatively, having regard to the above information, if you do not wish
to proceed with your request, please advise by COB 2 November 2022.

Kind Regards,

Freedom of Information
Media and Information Disclosure Branch
Ministerial and Executive Coordination & Communication Division
Department of Defence

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