Runway 30 - Airservices Australia’s In-House Capacity to Conduct Environmental Impact Assessments

The request was successful.

Dear Airservices Australia,

Please provide information on the number of professionals employed by Airservices Australia whose specific task is to conduct environmental impact assessments of new flight paths.
Could you also provide a summary breakdown of their academic qualifications and experience.
I also want information on environmental and social impact assessment methodologies and frameworks used at Airservices Australia.

Yours faithfully,
Sharon Nicholson

MBX FOI, Airservices Australia

1 Attachment


Dear Ms Nicholson


Airservices Australia (Airservices) acknowledge the receipt of your
request for access to documents under the Freedom of Information Act 1982
(Cth) (FOI Act) which has been given the reference FOI 24-18.


You have requested access to the following documents:


1                 The number of staff employed by Airservices, whose task
is to conduct environmental impact assessments of new flight paths; 

2                 In respect of those people identified in para 1, a
summary of their academic qualification and experience;

3                 Airservices’:

a.                environmental impact assessment methodologies

b.                environmental impact assessment frameworks

c.                social impact assessment methodologies

d.                social impact assessment framework


The statutory period for processing your request is 30 calendar days
commencing from the day after the day the request for received, in this
case 17 April 2024.


However, if your request captures documents that contains information
concerning the business, commercial or financial affairs of another
organisation or individual (third party), Airservices is required to
consult with these third parties concerned before deciding on the release
of those documents: see section 27 of the FOI Act.


If consultation is undertaken with third parties, the initial 30-day
period for processing your request will be extended by a further 30 days
(see section 15(6) of the FOI Act).


Airservices may impose a charge for the work involved in providing access
to the documents you requested. We will notify you of any charges in
relation to your request as soon as possible, before we process any
requested documents.


Please note that subject to certain exceptions, information released under
the FOI Act may later be published online on our disclosure log


If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact us at
[2][Airservices request email] .



FOI Coordinator


Alan Woods Building, 25 Constitution Ave

Canberra ACT 2600, Australia



show quoted sections

MBX FOI, Airservices Australia

1 Attachment


Dear Ms Nicholson

Please find the attached decision in respect of your FOI request.

Kind regards

FOI Coordinator

Alan Woods Building, 25 Constitution Ave
Canberra ACT 2600, Australia


show quoted sections