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Printed from on February 09, 2025 20:17
This person's Freedom of Information requests (approximately 4)
Hi Anonymouse, was there any further updates on this request at all that we can't see?
Dear Sir/Madam
Please find attached correspondence in relation to your FOI request.
FOI Team
UNCLASSIFIED For Official Use Only
Dear Anonymouse
Thank you for your email dated 9 July 2014 requesting an internal review
of the decision da...
To: [1][FOI #608 email]
Dear Anonymouse
Freedom of Information Request No. 52-1314– Decision on Access
Please find attached the follo...
This person's 3 annotations
I'm going to lodge a review on my application after seeing this story:
This is a note for Locutus Sam -
I have just clarified my request and hopefully provided enough detail for the information to be provided.
You note...
Thanks for the feedback.
Have written a followup to provide this clarification as suggested.
Centrelink must have documents showing the average call...