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Printed from on February 18, 2025 01:29
This person's Freedom of Information requests (approximately 6)
Thank you for contacting the Ministry of Health GIPA inbox. Please note
that this email address is for GIPA Act (Government Information Public
Dear Mr Thanos
Please find attached correspondence in relation to your Freedom of
Information request to the Department of Health.
Kind re...
Dear Mr Thanos
Thank you for contacting the NSW Ministry of Health.
Your email is not considered to be a GIPA request as the legislation is not desig...
Dear Mr Thanos
We refer to our previous response to your email advising your request relates to State and Territory Health Departments, not the Common...
Dear Mr Thanos,
I refer to your request below received by the Department of Health (the department) on 4 August 2021, seeking access under the Freedo...
Dear Mr Thanos,
I refer to your email dated 5 August 2021.
Please refer to CSIRO’s Covid-19 research information on our website:
This person's annotations
None made.