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Printed from on February 14, 2025 15:22
This person's Freedom of Information requests (approximately 8)
Dear Colin,
Thank you for your patience with our response.
In order to confirm whether this information is held, we would need to
receive a valid...
Good afternoon
Please follow the link below to complete the NNSWLHD GIPA Application Form and make the applicable payment for the applicable fee. Once...
Good Afternoon,
Your application as received does not meet the requirements of a valid formal access application under the GIPA. If you would like to c...
Dear Mr Bates,
Thank you for your email. Please see below a link for further information about WA Health Public Hospitals:
Dear Mr Bates,
I am contacting you with regard to your email correspondence of 24 March
2023, seeking to access government information held with...
Good morning,
The Commonwealth Department of Health and Aged Care (department) has
received your request dated 24 March 2023 seeking access to d...
Where applicable, please provide data from your most recently recorded 12 month period:
1. Have you ever used agencies to recruit doctors on a per...
This is an automated email
For urgent medical attention, please call 000
The below information may address your concerns, if your query is not
This person's annotations
None made.