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Printed from on February 17, 2025 16:59
This person's Freedom of Information requests (approximately 7)
Thank you for your response Ken - we apologise for the inconvenience. We confirm that the matter is now withdrawn.
Kind regards
Dear Mr McLeod
Thank you for your email. The delegate considered all documents that could be found within the scope of your request.
Kind regards
Since its disaggregation in 1993 the SECV has had no involvement in either the distribution or marketing of electricity. As a consequence it doesn...
Re: Withdrawal of my request
I withdraw my Freedom in Information Request, as the information you have provided is sufficient.
Thank you very mu...
Dear Customer,
This is a courtesy reply to acknowledge the receipt of your email enquiry.
If your matter is urgent, please contact Customer Servi...
The largest portion of the information you have provided has black lines drawn through it. The information I have sought under the FOI Act is not th...
Ken is entirely correct in his marking of this FOI request as refused. As the reply stated, ASIO is except from the scope of the FOI Act. As a result,...
This person's 1 annotation
Thank you for your concern.
I am not sure if the links provide the requested information, however
as stated by the officer the links can be quite c...