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Printed from on February 06, 2025 23:09
This person's Freedom of Information requests (approximately 7)
To follow on from @Michelle, did you in fact pay the fee? What was the decision regarding the request? Were the documents released in full, released in...
If a person looks at the unsigned notice and then follows the links from the ATO then it is possible to see that the ATO has published the information...
The latest reply from the ATO says, "On 23 June 2017, you were issued a notice of intention to refuse your FOI request as a ‘practical
refusal reason’...
I said in my last annotation that I though that the letter from the officer was "a very poorly explained letter ... but without drops of malice and sub...
Good morning William,
Thank you for your Freedom of Information requests to the City of
Onkaparinga via email. Please note that your applicatio...
Good morning William,
Thank you for your Freedom of Information requests to the City of
Onkaparinga via email. Please note that your applicatio...
I think their response to your other FOI about the process has attached here
This person's 2 annotations
According to information on the AusTender website, DHS awarded a $75,000 contract for the performance of ballot services to ORIMA Research. An Amendmen...
I have started another FOI process in order to analyse how the department of human services processed my request.