Public authorities
Found 25 public authorities in the category ‘Foreign Affairs and Trade’
The Australia Awards Board provides expert advice and strategic direction to the Minister for Foreign Affairs and the Minister for Tertiary Education,...
0 requests.
The Australia-China Council Board works to enhance Australia's relationship with China. The Council was established by the Australian Government in 197...
1 request.
The Australia-India Council's purpose is to broaden the relationship between Australia and India by encouraging and supporting contacts and increasing...
1 request.
The Australia-Indonesia Institute Advisory Board oversees the Institutes assistance to interested parties to develop positive relationships and exchang...
2 requests.
To promote Australia overseas through the arts and culture and stregthen people-to-people linkages through cultural exchanges and creative collaboratio...
0 requests.
The Australia-Japan Foundation Advisory Board advises the Foundation's assistance to interested parties to develop positive relationships and exchanges...
0 requests.
The Australia-Korea Foundation Board considers policy directions, and decides on projects and grants of the Australia-Korea Foundation to assist intere...
1 request.
The Australia-Malaysia Institute Advisory Board advises the Australia-Malaysia Institute and its assistance to interested parties to develop positive r...
0 requests.
Also called AusAID.
Australian AID (the Australian Agency for International Development) was the Australian Government agency responsible for managing Australia's overseas...
0 requests.
Also called ACIAR.
Australian Centre for International Agricultural was established to encourage research for the purpose of identifying, and finding solutions to, agricu...
2 requests.
The Australian National Commission for United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) provides expert analysis and policy ad...
2 requests.
Also called Austrade.
The Australian Trade Commission (Austrade)is the Australian Government's trade and investment development agency. Austrade assists Australian companies...
8 requests.
The Australia-Thailand Institute Advisory Board advises the Australia-Thailand Institute and its assistance to interested parties to develop positive r...
0 requests.
To promote between the peoples of Australia and the Arab world mutual interests and a greater understanding and acceptance of each other's cultures, va...
1 request.
The Council on Australia Latin America Relations (Coalar) was established by the Australian Government in 2001 to enhance Australia’s economic, politic...
0 requests.
Also called DFAT.
External Affairs, including: relations and communications with overseas governments; treaties, including trade agreements; bilateral, regional and mult...
207 requests.
The Editorial Advisory Board advises the Minister for Foreign Affairs on the documents on Australian Foreign Policy project to document the evolution o...
1 request.
Also called EFIC.
Export Finance and Insurance Corporation (EFIC) provides tailored finance solutions to help Australian businesses overcome the financial barriers they...
4 requests.
Requests for personal documents, documents of a party political nature, or documents held in the minister’s capacity as a local member of parliament ar...
14 requests.
Requests for personal documents, documents of a party political nature, or documents held in the minister’s capacity as a local member of parliament ar...
2 requests.
Requests for personal documents, documents of a party political nature, or documents held in the parliamentary secretary's capacity as a local member o...
0 requests.
Requests for personal documents, documents of a party political nature, or documents held in the parliamentary secretary's capacity as a local member o...
1 request.
Requests for personal documents, documents of a party political nature, or documents held in the parliamentary secretary's capacity as a local member o...
0 requests.
Tourism Australia is Australia's tourism marketing authority responsible for marketing Australia overseas.
12 requests.
Tourism Research Australia is a branch within Austrade. We are Australia's leading provider of quality tourism intelligence across both international a...
1 request.
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