Public authorities

Found 105 public authorities beginning with ‘V’

0 requests.
The VVCS – Veterans and Veterans Families Counselling Service provides counselling and group programs to Australian veterans, peacekeepers and their fa...
1 request.
The Veterans' Review Board is an independent tribunal to review decisions made by the Repatriation Commission on claims for acceptance of injury or dis...
4 requests.
Veterans SA was established in April 2008 to provide support to the Minister for Veterans Affairs and to provide South Australia's Veteran community wi...
0 requests.
To exercise and discharge the powers, authorities, duties and functions conferred or imposed upon it by the Veterinary Surgeons Act and Regulations, in...
0 requests.
0 requests.
15 requests.
0 requests.
Also called Victorian Department of Energy, Environment and Climate Action.
17 requests.
Helping Victorians stay healthy and safe
42 requests.
Includes Consumer Affairs Victoria, Corrections Victoria, Courts Services Victoria, Youth Justice, Emergency Management Victoria, and Liquor, Gaming &...
29 requests.
The Department of Transport (DoT), Public Transport Victoria (PTV) and VicRoads came together as one new Department of Transport on 1 July 2019. The...
22 requests.
Also includes Angliss Hospital, Box Hill Hospital, Central East Area Mental Health Service, Healesville and District Hospital, Maroondah Hospital, and...
0 requests.
Also called VIDA. The Victorian Infrastructure Delivery Authority (VIDA) delivers the state’s transport and health infrastructure programs. This includes more than 20...
1 request.
The MPA is the trading name of the Growth Areas Authority (GAA).
0 requests.
North East Water is the trading name of the North East Region Water Corporation.
0 requests.
Also covers Broadmeadows Health Service, Bundoora Extended Care Centre, and Northern Hospital.
0 requests.
Also called OPP.
0 requests.
2 requests.
Also covers Frankston Hospital, Peninsula Community Health Service, Rosebud Hospital, and the Mount Eliza Centre.
1 request.
Do not request personal information using this site. Why?
0 requests.

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