Public authorities
Found 264 public authorities beginning with ‘N’
The National Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Health Equality Council (NATSIHEC) provides national leadership in responding to the Australian Gove...
1 request.
The National Accreditation Authority for Translators and Interpreters Ltd (trading as NAATI) is the national standards and accreditation body for trans...
0 requests.
Also called NACC.
The National Anti-Corruption Commission enhances integrity in the Commonwealth public sector by deterring, detecting and preventing corrupt conduct inv...
8 requests.
Also called NAA.
The Archives plays the leading role in the management of Commonwealth records; makes available to the public non-exempt Commonwealth records over 30 ye...
17 requests.
The National Australia Day Council Limited (76 050 300 626) is the coordinating body for Australia Day celebrations across the nation and for the Austr...
5 requests.
Also called NBA.
The National Blood Authority is a Commonwealth agency established under the National Blood Authority Act to improve and enhance the management of the A...
3 requests.
Also called NCA.
The NCA is responsible for administering and reviewing the National Capital Plan, the object of which is to ensure that Canberra and the Australian Cap...
6 requests.
The National Carbon Capture and Storage (NCCS) Council was established in 2011 to oversee the National Low Emissions Coal Strategy and the National Car...
2 requests.
The National Centre of Excellence to Reduce Violence against Women and their Children was established to address the gaps in domestic violence and sexu...
1 request.
The National Commission of Audit was announced by the Treasurer, the Hon Joe Hockey MP, and the Minister for Finance, Senator the Hon Mathias Cormann,...
2 requests.
Also called NCC.
The National Competition Council's main function is to recommend on the regulation of third party access to services provided by monopoly infrastructur...
1 request.
The National Cultural Heritage Committee advises the Minister on the operation of the Protection of Movable Cultural Heritage Act 1986, on the operatio...
0 requests.
Also called NDIA.
Do not request personal information using this site. Why? The National Disability Insurance Agency (NDIA) is an independent statutory agency, whose ro...
417 requests.
Also called NEMA.
In the face of devastating fires and floods, the Australian Government created the National Emergency Management Agency (NEMA) as a single, enduring, e...
0 requests.
Also called NEPC.
The Council has responsibility for making environment protection measures with the objectives of ensuring that the people of Australia enjoy the benefi...
0 requests.
Also called NFSA.
The National Film and Sound Archive of Australia is the national audiovisual archive, playing a key role in documenting and interpreting the Australian...
2 requests.
Also called NGA.
To meet the cultural needs of the people of Australia as their National Gallery through the quality of the collection, the excellence of the exhibition...
5 requests.
Also called NGV.
0 requests.
Also called NHMRC.
The National Health and Medical Research Council (NHMRC) is Australia's peak body for supporting health and medical research; for developing health adv...
16 requests.
The function of the National Health Funding Body (NHFB) is to assist the Administrator in performing his or her functions under Commonwealth and state...
1 request.
The role of the Administrator, with support from the National Health Funding Body, is to administer the National Health Funding Pool according to the N...
1 request.
Also called NHPA.
The National Health Performance Authority's main role is to report on the performance of the health system at the local level, including trends over ti...
2 requests.
The National Supply Council is no longer operating. On Friday 8 November 2013, the Government announced the abolition of a number of non-statutory bodi...
0 requests.
Also called NIAA.
The National Indigenous Australians Agency was established by an Executive Order signed by the Governor-General on 29 May 2019.
The Executive order...
14 requests.
Also called NICNAS.
NICNAS, located within the Health portfolio, is the Australian Government regulator for industrial chemicals. It provides a national notification and a...
0 requests.
The National Lead Clinicians Group provide advice to the Minister for Health and Ageing on clinical matters and to share information with local Lead Cl...
0 requests.
The National Legal Assistance Advisory Body advises the attorney_general on issues affecting the legal assistance system.
0 requests.
Also called NLA.
Serves the Australian people and their libraries, delivering information that records our past and will shape our future.
22 requests.
Also called NMI.
NMI is the peak Australian measurement body responsible for biological, chemical, legal, physical and trade measurement.
5 requests.
Also called NMHC.
The Commission plays a key role in the Government’s commitment to long-term reforms in mental health. It will manage and administer the annual ‘Nationa...
5 requests.
Also called NMA.
Collects, preserves and displays aspects of the cultural heritage of all Australians.
0 requests.
Also called NNTT.
The National Native Title Tribunal works with people to develop an understanding of native title and reach enduring native title and related outcomes t...
3 requests.
Also called NOPSEMA.
National Offshore Petroleum Safety and Environmental Management Authority (NOPSEMA) is a Statutory Authority regulating Commonwealth, State and Territo...
9 requests.
Also called NPAAC.
The National Pathology Accreditation Advisory Council advises the Commonwealth, state and territory health ministers on matters relating to the accredi...
0 requests.
The purpose of the National Portrait Gallery is to increase the understanding and appreciation of the Australian people – their identity, history, cult...
3 requests.
The National Precincts Board is an industry-led body which has been established to advise the government on matters relating to Precincts. The National...
2 requests.
Also called NRAC.
The National Rural Advisory Council (NRAC) is a skills-based independent advisory council to the Australian Government Minister for Agriculture, Fisher...
0 requests.
The National Skills Standards Council provides advice to Standing Council on Tertiary Education, Skills and Employment on national standards for regula...
0 requests.
Also called NTC.
The National Transport Commission is an independent statutory authority established to overcome barriers to efficient land transport by introducing nat...
4 requests.
The National Vocational Education and Training (VET) Equity Advisory Council provides independent advice to the Standing Council on Tertiary Education,...
0 requests.
Also called NWC.
The National Water Commission is responsible for driving progress towards the sustainable management and use of Australia's water resources under our b...
0 requests.
The National Workplace Relations Consultative Council provides, in the national interest, a regular and organised means by which senior representatives...
1 request.
NBN Co Limited is a wholly-owned Government Business Enterprise formed to build and operate a wholesale-only national broadband network across Australi...
140 requests.
The NDIS Quality and Safeguards Commission is an independent agency established to improve the quality and safety of NDIS supports and services. They w...
18 requests.
Also known as the North East Waste and Resource Recovery Group.
0 requests.
Authority responsible for the enforcement and implementation of the Noxious Weeds Act.
0 requests.
Also called Naif.
"As the Australian Government's flagship financing agency for infrastructure in northern Australia, NAIF serves as a vital voice for the region. NAIF t...
1 request.
In 2016 Pittwater, Warringah and Manly Councils were merged to become Northern Beaches Council. This page contains requests made to the new Council...
10 requests.
Formerly known as the Northern Melbourne Institute of TAFE (NMIT)
0 requests.
Comprises the institutes of Central Institute of Technology, and West Coast Institute of Training
0 requests.
Port authority for the management of sea port facilities at Hay Point, Mackay, Abbot Point, Weipa and Maryborough.
0 requests.
Seven regional disability advisory councils have been established to represent the views and opinions of importance to regional Queenslanders on region...
0 requests.
Comprises the institutes of Kimberley Training Institute, and Pilbara Institute
0 requests.
Ausgrid is no longer subject to the Government Information (Public Access) Act 2009 (GIPA Act)
7 requests.
Also called CCLHD.
2 requests.
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