Public authorities
Found 186 public authorities beginning with ‘T’
The Takeovers Panel is a peer review body that regulates corporate control transactions in widely held Australian entities, primarily by the efficient,...
0 requests.
TasALERT is Tasmania’s official emergency information service. It is administered by the Tasmanian Government Department of Premier and Cabinet.
1 request.
TasBuild is responsible for providing long service benefits to workers in the construction industry and ensuring that both employee entitlements are pr...
1 request.
The Tasmania Fire Service, the operational arm of the State Fire Commission, was created in 1979 through the amalgamation of the State Fire Authority,...
1 request.
Tasmanian Adoptions and Permanency Services provide services to people who are considering placing their child for adoption, wish to adopt or care perm...
1 request.
Also called TAHO.
0 requests.
The Asbestos Compensation Tribunal is an independent statutory Tribunal created under the Asbestos-Related Diseases (Occupational Exposure) Compensatio...
0 requests.
Also called TASC.
The Office of Tasmanian Assessment, Standards and Certification (TASC) is an independent statutory office responsible to the Tasmanian Minister for Edu...
0 requests.
The Audit Office assists the Auditor-General to perform his/her statutory duty as laid out in the Financial Management and Audit Act 1990.
0 requests.
Also called TBCITB.
The Tasmanian Building and Construction Industry Training Board (TBCITB) was established under the Building and Construction Industry Training Fund Act...
0 requests.
The role of the Tasmanian Climate Change Office is to coordinate the Tasmanian Goverment's climate change action in partnership with business, communit...
0 requests.
The Tasmanian Clinical Genetics Service (TCGS) provides a clinical service for the diagnosis, management, counselling and support of individuals and fa...
0 requests.
Communities, Sport and Recreation develops and supports the opportunity for all Tasmanians to participate in community life, sport and recreation. It's...
0 requests.
Crown Land Services (CLS) facilitates the appropriate management, use and development of Crown land, including the licensing, leasing and sale of Crown...
2 requests.
Tasmanian Crown Law provides an administrative framework for the provision of legal services to the Tasmanian Government. It provides support to the in...
0 requests.
The Tasmanian Dairy Industry Authority is responsible for the food safety licensing, inspection and auditing of dairy processors and dairy farms.
0 requests.
The Department of Health and Human Services provides a comprehensive, high quality, safe and sustainable health and human system for Tasmanians.
7 requests.
The Tasmanian Department of Premier and Cabinet (DPAC) is a central agency of the Tasmanian State Government. DPAC provides a broad range of services t...
1 request.
The Tasmanian Department of Primary Industries, Parks, Water and Environment is responsible for the sustainable management and protection of Tasmania's...
4 requests.
Includes the divisions Infrastructure Tasmania (ITas), Mineral Resources Tasmania, the Tasmanian Office of the Coordinator-General, the Planning Reform...
2 requests.
To promote for the Tasmanian community: a strong growing economic base; and a sound public sector financial position, consistent with the effective pro...
3 requests.
Conducts Tasmanian parliamentary and local government elections, as well as other statutory and non-statutory elections.
1 request.
The division provides protection and enhancement of the Tasmanian environment by ensuring development proposals meet environmental guidelines. It also...
2 requests.
Also called GISU.
The Government Information Strategy Unit (GISU) is part of the Tasmanian Archive and Heritage Office (TAHO) which provides the Tasmanian Government wit...
0 requests.
The Guardianship and Administration Board is an independent tribunal established by the Guardianship and Administration Act 1995.
0 requests.
By the Health Practitioner Regulation National Law (Tasmania) Act 2010, Tasmania became part of a National scheme providing for the regulation of presc...
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Also called THEAC.
The Tasmanian Home Education Advisory Council was established in 1993 to advise the Minister for Education and the general public on matters to do with...
0 requests.
The Tasmanian Industrial Commission hears and determine matters and things arising from, or relating to, industrial matters, including the making of aw...
0 requests.
Responsible for managing, regulating and protecting Tasmania's freshwater resources including recreational trout fisheries, commercial and recreational...
0 requests.
Also called TIA.
The Tasmanian Institute of Agriculture is a joint venture between the University of Tasmania and the Tasmanian Government for agricultural research, de...
1 request.
The Tasmanian Integrated Law Library Service is made up of the libraries of the Department of Justice, the Supreme Court of Tasmania, the Magistrates C...
1 request.
The Integrity Commissions functions include the investigation, prevention, education and advice in relation to ethic, propriety and conduct and the inv...
0 requests.
Tasmanian Irrigation Pty Ltd (TI) (ACN: 133148384, ABN: 95722799075) was established in 2008 and merged with the former Rivers and Water Supply Commiss...
0 requests.
The Legal Aid Commission of Tasmania is a statutory body set up by the Legal Aid Commission Act 1990 (Tas). It provides legal advice, representation, f...
0 requests.
The Tasmanian Local Government Board is a statutory body established under the Local Government Act 1993 (the Act). The Board’s role is to conduct revi...
0 requests.
The Magistrates Court sits on a permanent basis in four cities in Tasmania: Hobart, Launceston, Devonport and Burnie. Magistrates also sit in a number...
0 requests.
The Tribunal's purpose is to monitor the imposition of civil and criminal detention for reasons of mental illness by providing an expert and independen...
0 requests.
Monetary Penalties Enforcement Service is responsible for the collection and enforcement of certain monetary penalties imposed by courts and other auth...
0 requests.
The Motor Accidents Insurance Board (MAIB) is a Tasmanian Government Business Enterprise which operates a combined common law/no fault motor accident s...
0 requests.
The National Parks and Wildlife Advisory Council (NPWAC) is a statutory body providing an independent overview of Tasmania's protected areas system and...
0 requests.
Also called TasNetworks.
Tasmanian Networks Pty Ltd commenced operations on 1 July 2014. It has been formed by a merger between Aurora Energy’s distribution network (the poles...
0 requests.
The Office of Aboriginal Affairs in the Department's Communities, Sport and Recreation Division is the primary resource for and adviser to the Governme...
1 request.
The Office of Consumer Affairs and Fair Trading (CAFT) provides services and information to the Tasmanian community, in order to encourage a fair, safe...
9 requests.
The Office of eGovernment is responsible for leading the development of an ICT strategy for the Tasmanian Government, the development of ICT policies,...
0 requests.
Prepares drafts of proposed new legislation and amendments to existing legislation and advice in relation to legislative drafting. Manages the Governme...
0 requests.
Includes the Racing Services Tasmania.
0 requests.
The Office of Security and Emergency Management supports whole-of-government strategies to prevent, prepare for, respond to, and recover from, emergenc...
0 requests.
Also called Equal Opportunity Tasmania.
The Tasmanian Office of the Anti-Discrimination Commissioner (Equal Opportunity Tasmania) handle discrimination completions, provides training, guideli...
1 request.
The Office of Director of Public Prosecutions (DPP) provides criminal law services to the State of Tasmania. It conducts all criminal prosecutions on i...
0 requests.
The Office of the Public Guardian promotes, speaks for, and protects the rights and interests of people with disabilities and acts as the guardian of p...
0 requests.
The Palliative Care Service provides a consultative service which aims to relieve the physical symptoms of the illness, to help assist with other issue...
0 requests.
The Tasmanian Parks and Wildlife Service commenced operations in 1971 with the vision of protecting, presenting and managing in concert with the commun...
0 requests.
The Tasmanian Parliamentary Library provides information and research services for Members of the Tasmanian Parliament.
0 requests.
The Tasmanian Planning Commission is an independent statutory body established under the Tasmanian Planning Commission Act 1997. It assesses and report...
0 requests.
This Output Group involves the licensing, inspection, supervision and control of all aspects of the poppy industry from growing, through to manufacture...
0 requests.
Also called TasPorts.
The Tasmanian Ports Corporation Pty Ltd (Tasports) is a registered, private company fully owned by the Tasmanian Government (ABN 82114161938). It is re...
0 requests.
Also called TASCORP.
TASCORP was established to develop and implement borrowing and investment programmes for the benefit of Tasmanian State Authorities. It has the power t...
0 requests.
Public Health Services works to protect Tasmanians from public and environmental health hazards, prevent and reduce chronic (long-term) conditions at t...
0 requests.
Also called TasRail.
Tasmanian Railway Pty Ltd operates and manages the rail network in Tasmania and owns the rolling stock.
0 requests.
The Tasmanian Registry of Births, Deaths and Marriages is responsible for maintaining registers of births, deaths, marriages, deeds of relationship and...
2 requests.
The Resource Management and Planning Appeal Tribunal is an independent statutory authority set up under the Resource Management and Planning Appeal Tri...
0 requests.
Tasmanian Retirement Benefits Fund is Tasmania's public sector superannuation fund and has been Tasmanian-owned since it was established in 1904. RBF p...
0 requests.
The Road Safety Advisory Council (RSAC) makes recommendations to Government about road safety policy, community, school-based and public education prog...
0 requests.
The Tasmanian Solicitor-General provides legal advice to Tasmanian Government Ministers, agencies and instruments. It also represents the State of Tas...
0 requests.
Role of the Tasmanian State Architect is to advocate quality design and sustainable built outcomes across the State of Tasmania; provide strategic and...
0 requests.
The State Fire Management Council is established under Section 14 of the Fire Service Act 1979 (Tasmania) as an independent body that has the responsib...
0 requests.
The State Library and Archives Trust was established by the Libraries Act 1984 to administer any property acquired by the trust through gift, bequest o...
0 requests.
Under the Ombudsman Act 1978, the public is able to refer complaints alleging defective administration by a State Government department, local governme...
1 request.
The State Protocol Office is responsible for the management of official visits, State receptions and functions, the co-ordination of honours and award...
0 requests.
The key role of the State Service Management Office (SSMO) is to assist the Premier (as the employer) to balance the social, economic, cultural and pol...
0 requests.
The Teachers Registration Board of Tasmania is an independent statutory authority established under the Teachers Registration Act 2000. Its main functi...
0 requests.
The Tasmanian Timber Promotion Board is a body corporate that was established by an Act of the Tasmanian Government in 1970. The aim of the Board, as s...
0 requests.
Divisions include Public Sector Management.
0 requests.
Victims Support Services is part of the Department of Justice and began operation on 1 July 2001. The Unit is dedicated to victims of crime. It is res...
1 request.
The Workers Rehabilitation and Compensation Tribunal is an independent statutory tribunal created under the Workers Rehabilitation and Compensation Act...
0 requests.
Youth Justice Services is responsible for diversion and rehabilitation programs for young people under supervision in the community and in the Ashley Y...
0 requests.
The Department of Police and Emergency Management comprises Tasmania Police, the State Emergency Service, Forensic Science Service Tasmania, and the Ta...
6 requests.
The Tasmania Prison Service keeps in secure custody those sentenced by the Courts, and providing the best opportunity for prisoners to stop re-offendin...
0 requests.
The SES provides a volunteer response capability for severe storms and floods, road crash rescue, search and rescue/recovery and a range of other gener...
1 request.
Tasracing governs the racing industry in Tasmania.
0 requests.
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