A Detailed Summary of Client Survey Results since 2015

Kate Andrews made this Freedom of Information request to Public Trustee For The ACT

This request has been closed to new correspondence from the public body. Contact us if you think it ought be re-opened.

Response to this request is long overdue. By law, under all circumstances, Public Trustee For The ACT should have responded by now (details). You can complain by requesting an internal review.

Dear Public Trustee and Guardian For The ACT,

I have had regular dealings with your office since 2015 as grandparent/guardian to two grandchildren with trusts and also through my work at an Aged Care facility in North Canberra.

To date I have found that PTG is frequently unresponsive to simple requests, disorganised and very expensive. Anecdotally most of my colleagues, mutual clients and many third parties also have a poor view on the services you provide to Canberrans.

Upon reading some of your office's annual reports I noticed that the office has maintained reply-paid posted surveys that have consistently held high levels of customer satisfaction:

2014/15: 115 Surveys, 95% met or exceeded expectations
2015/16: 96 Surveys, 89% met or exceeded expectations
2016/17: 131 Surveys, 91% met or exceeded expectations
2017/18: 131 Surveys, 91% met or exceeded expectations (again!)
2018/19: 66 Surveys, 95.15% met or exceeded expectations

I find this to be very inconsistent with personal experience and in contrast with stories from other people dealing with your office. I am concerned that these statistics are either manipulated by removing negative surveys or customers are only provided surveys that are likely to give a positive result, such as people receiving a free will.

Under Freedom of Information could you please provide a detailed summary for each years' survey results indicating what was the particular service/function provided to survey participants, then also provide a summary ratio of all client types for that financial year. One would expect that surveys adequately reflect the full customer base.

Additionally could you please explain why 2017/18 is identical to the previous year and why there was only half of surveys done in the 2018/19 financial year?

Yours faithfully,

Mrs Kate Andrews

PTG, Public Trustee For The ACT

Thank you for your email. 


Due to the current public health emergency, the Public Trustee and
Guardian (PTG) will continue essential services with some restrictions.

Until further notice all face to face services will cease.  PTG will
continue to undertake essential services by email and phone.

Given the importance of social distancing, alternate working arrangements
are being made for PTG employees.

PTG acknowledges that the current situation is uncertain and disruptive,
nevertheless please be assured that every effort is being made to continue
to provide essential services to PTG’s clients.

We will endeavour to respond to your email as soon as we can, however, we
will be prioritising urgent matters.

We thank you for your patience during this health emergency.

Further information can be obtained on our Web site:



T (02) 620 79800 | F (02) 620 79811 | [2]www.ptg.act.gov.au
Wills | Estates | Trusts | Guardianship | Financial Management | Powers
of Attorney




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Visible links
1. http://www.ptg.act.gov.au/
2. file:///tmp/www.publictrustee.act.gov.au