Australian Sports Anti-Doping Authority
Dear Australian Sports Anti-Doping Authority,
CEO ASADA David Sharpe stated in the media that he had reviewed a number of cases that had come before ASADA, including the Essendon and Cronulla supplements cases, which had occurred before he commenced his role as CEO ASADA.
He also recently stated:
'Its automatically a process of ours that we will review [every case],"
"We've seen a lot of high-profile cases, do we sit there and say we got them right? No. We sit there and say what can we do better. What can we do if this happens next time."
I request access to those reviews and all information gathered/provided by other parties that facilitated the reviews of the Essendon and/or the Cronulla supplement cases. Specifically, any information might be, but is not limited to, the following:
a). ministerial briefings,
b). talking points,
c). terms of reference for the review,
c). who signed off on the review (if it was done would have to be a senior executive officer),
d). general counsel advice,
e). advice sought from the Solicitor General,
f). minutes of interdepartmental committees,
g). minutes of meeting in relation to the review,
h). case officer notes pertaining to the review,
i). implementation program of the review,
j). what internal changes were made as a result of the review.
Yours faithfully,
Philip Nelson
Dear Mr Nelson,
Our reference ASADA FOI 19-34
We refer to your request for access to documents under the Freedom of
Information Act 1982 (FOI Act), received by ASADA on 11 November 2019 for
the following:
“CEO ASADA David Sharpe stated in the media that he had reviewed a number
of cases that had come before ASADA, including the Essendon and Cronulla
supplements cases, which had occurred before he commenced his role as CEO
He also recently stated:
'Its automatically a process of ours that we will review [every case],"
"We've seen a lot of high-profile cases, do we sit there and say we got
them right? No. We sit there and say what can we do better. What can we do
if this happens next time."
I request access to those reviews and all information gathered/provided by
other parties that facilitated the reviews of the Essendon and/or the
Cronulla supplement cases. Specifically, any information might be, but is
not limited to, the following:
a). ministerial briefings,
b). talking points,
c). terms of reference for the review,
c). who signed off on the review (if it was done would have to be a senior
executive officer), d). general counsel advice, e). advice sought from the
Solicitor General, f). minutes of interdepartmental committees, g).
minutes of meeting in relation to the review, h). case officer notes
pertaining to the review, i). implementation program of the review, j).
what internal changes were made as a result of the review.”
If you believe that the scope of your request has not been interpreted
correctly, please advise ASADA as soon as possible using the contact
details listed at the conclusion of this email.
Your request was received on Monday 11 November 2019 and the 30 day
statutory period for processing your request commences from the day after
that date. You should therefore expect a decision from ASADA by Wednesday
11 December 2019. This period of 30 days may be extended if we need to
consult third parties or for other reasons. We will advise you if this
You will be notified of any charges in relation to your request before we
process any requested documents or impose a final charge.
Please note that information released under the FOI Act may be published
online on our disclosure log subject to certain exceptions. For example,
personal information will not be published where this would be
We will contact you using the contact email address you provided,
specifically [1][FOI #5883 email].
If you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to contact me at
[2][email address].
Sally Cook
Australian Sports Anti-Doping Authority
"Important: This transmission is intended only for the use of the
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information. If you are not the intended recipient, you are notified that
any use or dissemination of this communication is strictly prohibited. If
you receive this transmission in error please notify the author
immediately and delete all copies of this transmission."
Visible links
1. mailto:[FOI #5883 email]
2. mailto:[email address]
Dear Mr Nelson,
Please see attached decision letter and associated document in relation to
FOI 19-34.
Please contact me if you have any queries.
Sally Cook
Australian Sports Anti-Doping Authority
T +61 (0) 2 6222 4233
E [1][email address]
W [2]
"Important: This transmission is intended only for the use of the
addressee and may contain Protected, confidential or legally privileged
information. If you are not the intended recipient, you are notified that
any use or dissemination of this communication is strictly prohibited. If
you receive this transmission in error please notify the author
immediately and delete all copies of this transmission."
Visible links
1. mailto:[email address]
2. blocked::

Philip Nelson left an annotation ()
1. There was a delivery error on Page 3 of the decision response letter(pdf and download versions), Can this be rectified please?
2. There is confirmation of an annexure page attached to the decision response letter which was not provided, Can this be rectified please?
Philip Nelson

Ben Fairless left an annotation ()
I'm one of the workers who look after Right to Know.
Firstly, I want to apologise that it's taken us so long to look at the error you've reported.
I've set the status on this message to "Waiting Clarification". This should prompt you to send a reply to the authority asking for them to resend the documents. I would suggest asking for the documents related to "FOI 19-34" be resent.
If you have any questions feel free to add a note below.
Ben - OpenAustralia Foundation
Philip Nelson left an annotation ()
I am seeking access under the FOI Act.