Emails between Councillors and/or CEO in lead-up to Cr. Granger's resignation

Benjamin Bell made this Freedom of Information request to Shire of Toodyay

This request has been closed to new correspondence from the public body. Contact us if you think it ought be re-opened.

Response to this request is long overdue. By law, under all circumstances, Shire of Toodyay should have responded by now (details). You can complain by requesting an internal review.

Benjamin Bell

Dear Shire of Toodyay,

I request a copy of all emails sent between Councillors and/or the CEO of the Shire of Toodyay between the period 9 March and 15 March (inclusive) that related, or makes reference to, the DLGSCI letter and/or Cr. Granger's email of Friday 9 March 2018. This request includes the email from Cr. Greenway, which was not sent to all Councillors, which was sent following Cr. Granger's 9 March 2018 email.

Yours faithfully,

Benjamin Bell

Stan Scott, Shire of Toodyay

Hello Ben,

I have forwarded your request to the FOI Coordinator for action. Regards

Stan Scott
Shire of Toodyay
PO Box 96
Phone: (08) 9574 9300
Fax: (08) 9574 2158
E: [Shire of Toodyay request email]

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Benjamin Bell

Dear Stan Scott,

As you are no doubt aware, by law the Shire Of Toodyay’s FOI Officer must keep me informed about the progress of my Freedom of Information request. Other then the initial acknowledgement post on this site, I have not received any update on the progress of the FOI application.

I am therefore requesting an update on my FOI application please.

Also as you are no doubt aware, It should take no longer than about a month for an FOI application to get a response. As I am seeking copies of specific, recent emails, I would have thought that the Shire would have adddressed this request by now.

I await your reply (and the requested information)

Yours sincerely,

Benjamin Bell