Guidelines on the practice of adding text unrelated to redaction to documents

JS made this Freedom of Information request to Office of the Australian Information Commissioner

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Dear Office of the Australian Information Commissioner,

OAIC guidelines indicate that the right of FOI access applies to documents that exist at the time the request is made. Documents released under FOI and published on the rightoknow website indicate that some agencies engage in the practice of adding text to documents about to be released under FOI. The new text varies from FOI file reference numbers or notations in the margin of documents to be released to new text such as “released under FOI” ( or similar) being applied by stamp or other means across the face of each page of documents being released. The conduct does not involve redacting existing text in accordance with the FOI legislation but rather adding text (unrelated to redaction) to existing documents prior to release of those documents under FOI.

I seek administrative access to a copy of any OAIC Guidelines on the practice of adding text - unrelated to redaction - to documents about to be released under FOI. If administrative access is not available then please regard this as an application under FOI.

Yours faithfully,


Raewyn Harlock, Office of the Australian Information Commissioner

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Dear JS


On 28 April 2017, you sought access to ‘a copy of any OAIC Guidelines on
the practice of adding text - unrelated to redaction - to documents about
to be released under FOI.’


The Office of the Australian Information Commissioner (OAIC) does not
currently have any Guidelines or advice for agencies on adding text to
documents being released under the Freedom of Information Act 1982 (FOI


However, the OAIC does not have any concerns regarding the addition of
watermarks, FOI reference numbers, or page numbers to documents prior to


We will consider revising our Guidelines to make our position clearer.





Raewyn Harlock | Assistant Director | FOI Dispute Resolution

Office of the Australian Information Commissioner

GPO Box 5218 SYDNEY NSW 2001 | [1]

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Dear Raewyn Harlock,

Thank you for your reply.

Like the OAIC I do not have concerns regarding the addition of watermarks, FOI reference numbers, or page numbers to documents prior to release provided the additions are included in the margins or other white space in the documents. This seems to be the practice at the OAIC.

The use of watermarks or stamps that obscure, veil or haze over the text of documents to be released is another matter. What is legible to the keen eye of the authorised officer may be illegible to recipients with less ability to see or discern because of the addition of the watermarks, stamps etc. Such use of watermarks etc (stemming from bureaucrat convenience it would appear) should be discouraged.

Yours sincerely,