List of information requests to the department
Dear NT Department of the Attorney-General and Justice,
Could you please send through a list of disclosures made by the department in response to non-personal FOI requests in the 2015-2016 financial year. The list I'm after is what you’d call an FOI disclosure log. I had heard this that NT public bodies are request to publish a log like this under the NT Information Act, but I've been unable to find one for this department.
If this list is already public, please just send through the link for it. Please treat this as an information/administrative request if possible, otherwise as an information request under the Act.
Yours faithfully,
Luke Bacon
Good afternoon,
I acknowledge receipt of your email and advise that a response is being prepared.
Glynis Abbott
Senior Executive Assistant
to the Chief Executive Officer
Freedom of Information Coordinator
Clerk of the Peace
Executive Division
Department of the Attorney-General and Justice
Northern Territory Government
Level 8 Old Admiralty Towers
68 The Esplanade, Darwin NT 0800
GPO Box 1722, DARWIN NT 0801
Telephone: (08) 8935 7404
Fax: (08) 8935 7414
Email: [email address]
Our Vision: A fair and accessible legal system for the community
Our Values: Commitment to Service | Ethical Practice | Respect | Accountability | Impartiality | Diversity
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Good morning,
I refer to your information request received be email on 2 December. You have requested:
"a list of disclosures made by the department in response to non-personal FOI requests in the 2015-2016 financial year. The list I'm after is what you’d call an FOI disclosure log".
I advise that the FOI disclosure log/Information Log is not a publically available document and an FOI request will need to be made.
Further as your application is for non-government information a $30 application fee applies. You will also need to provide proof of your identity, and in that regard a scanned copy of your driver's licence will suffice. The application fee can be paid by cheque or credit card. If paying by credit card you will need to call the Department’s RTM Office on (08) 8999 1606 and attach the receipt to your application.
Once the fee and proof of identify is received, your application will be reviewed and processing will begin. Please also be aware that processing fees may also be applicable. You will be informed of any processing fees once your application has been accepted.
I have attached the Department’s Freedom of Information Request Form for your information.
If you have any further queries please do not hesitate to contact me.
Glynis Abbott
Senior Executive Assistant
to the Chief Executive Officer
Freedom of Information Coordinator
Clerk of the Peace
Executive Division
Department of the Attorney-General and Justice
Northern Territory Government
Level 8 Old Admiralty Towers
68 The Esplanade, Darwin NT 0800
GPO Box 1722, DARWIN NT 0801
Telephone: (08) 8935 7404
Fax: (08) 8935 7414
Email: [email address]
Our Vision: A fair and accessible legal system for the community
Our Values: Commitment to Service | Ethical Practice | Respect | Accountability | Impartiality | Diversity
The information in the email is intended solely for the addressee named. It may contain legally privileged or confidential information that is subject to copyright. If you are not the intended recipient you must not use, disclose, copy or distribute this communication. If you have received this message in error, please delete the email and notify the sender. Use or transmittal of the information in this email other than for authorised NT Government business purposes may constitute misconduct under the NT Public Sector Code of Conduct and could potentially be an offence under the NT Criminal Code. No representation is made that this email is free of viruses. Virus scanning is recommended and is the responsibility of the recipient.
Hi Glynis,
Thanks for your help and sorry about my extremely late reply.
I'd like to go forward with this request:
> a list of disclosures made by the department in response to non-personal FOI requests in the 2015-2016 financial year. The list I'm after is what you’d call an FOI disclosure log.
Can I firstly verify that the the "FOI disclosure log/Information Log" I'm after does in fact exist? And also, may I ask if it includes the type of information that you see about requests on these examples:
Thanks very much for your help.
Yours sincerely,
Luke Bacon
Good afternoon,
I refer to your email below.
The links you have provided are for Commonwealth Departments which are subject to Commonwealth law and express provisions in s11C of the Freedom of Information Act (Cth).
The Department of the Attorney-General and Justice (NT) does not formally keep disclosure logs in the form that the Commonwealth do and there is no such requirement for Northern Territory Government Agencies to maintain one. An informal list is kept which notes the applicant, the request and whether information was disclosed. The Department keeps a copy of the released information with the list.
This informal list is not a public document and will not be voluntarily released so a Freedom of Information Request will be required (application form attached). As the request is for government information (not personal) a fee of $30.00 will be required. Although you are after information relating to non-personal applications, exemptions may apply depending on the nature of the information. You will also need to provide proof of your identity, and in that regard a scanned copy of your driver’s licence will suffice. The application fee can be paid by cheque or credit card. If paying by credit card you will need to call the Department’s RTM Office on (08) 8999 1606 and attach the receipt to your application.
Once the fee and proof of identity is received, your application will be reviewed and processing will begin. Please also be aware that processing fees may also be applicable. You will be informed of any processing fees once your application has been accepted.
Thank you
Melanie Winteridge
Acting Freedom of Information Coordinator
Executive Division
Department of the Attorney-General and Justice
Northern Territory Government
Floor 8, Old Admiralty Towers, 68 The Esplanade, Darwin NT 0801
GPO Box 1722, DARWIN NT 0801
p ... 08 8935 7426
f ... 08 8935 7414
e ... [email address]
Our Vision: A fair and accessible legal system for the community
Our Values: Commitment to Service | Ethical Practice | Respect | Accountability | Impartiality | Diversity
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Hi Melanie,
Thanks for this. I will proceed with the request. I'll send you an email from my personal address with the photo of my license and call the number about the money.
Particularly given: a) the departments involvement with the NT corrections programs and the ongoing Royal Commissions, and b) the positive impact of transparency from providing a disclosure log as other states and Federal authorities do, I would definitely like to apply for any fee waivers possible on a public interest basis. Is it possible to get a waiver for the initial $30, or does that kick in with processing fees?
Thanks for your help,
Luke Bacon
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Henare Degan left an annotation ()
Strange that messages have only just started to be marked as spam. I've emailed the postmaster to ask them to fix it. When they get back to us we can resend your message above.
Right To Know administrator
Sent a follow up to NT Department of the Attorney-General and Justice again.
Good afternoon,
Please find attached an Application to Waive or Reduce fees form. Please complete the form and return it via email with your identification. The application to waive or reduce fees will then be considered.
Thank you
Melanie Winteridge
Acting Freedom of Information Coordinator
Executive Division
Department of the Attorney-General and Justice
Northern Territory Government
Floor 8, Old Admiralty Towers, 68 The Esplanade, Darwin NT 0801
GPO Box 1722, DARWIN NT 0801
p ... 08 8935 7426
f ... 08 8935 7414
e ... [email address]
Our Vision: A fair and accessible legal system for the community
Our Values: Commitment to Service | Ethical Practice | Respect | Accountability | Impartiality | Diversity
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Henare Degan left an annotation ()
Thanks to a quick fix by the technical staff at emails are once again working. The original message has been resent (and already has a reply, yay!).
Right To Know administrator
Hi Melanie,
Thanks for that.
I've actually decided to just pay this initial fee to keep things moving. Apologies for my slow responses. I might apply later if processing fees are imposed.
I've just made the payment over the phone and I'm waiting on the receipt to come through. Once it does, I'll send that from my personal email address so that information isn't published on Right To Know with the rest of this request.
Thanks again for your help :)
Luke Bacon
Good morning Mr Bacon,
As per my email dated 30 January 2017, please complete the attached
Application to Access Government Information (including Personal
Information) form and return it to [1][NT Department of the Attorney-General and Justice request email]
Once we have received the completed form we will commence processing your
Thank you
Melanie Winteridge
Executive Division
Department of the Attorney-General and Justice
Northern Territory Government
Floor 8, Old Admiralty Towers, 68 The Esplanade, Darwin NT 0801
GPO Box 1722, DARWIN NT 0801
p ... 08 8935 7426
f ... 08 8935 7414
e ... [2][email address]
Our Vision: A fair and accessible legal system for the community
Our Values: Commitment to Service | Ethical Practice | Respect |
Accountability | Impartiality | Diversity
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the NT Criminal Code. No representation is made that this email is free of
viruses. Virus scanning is recommended and is the responsibility of the
From: Luke Bacon [mailto:[email address]]
Sent: Wednesday, 15 March 2017 3:25 PM
To: agd foi
Subject: Fwd: FOI Receipt
Hi there,
This is for Melanie Winteridge.
Luke Bacon here, I have an FOI request in with the department: List of
information requests to the department
Attached is my receipt for payment of the initial request fee and a photo
of my drivers license.
The email address that you have been communicating with for this request
so far (ends in @[3] is the correct correspondence
address for the request. Please continue corresponding with that address.
The documents requested etc. have already been covered in that thread. I
believe this covers all the information needed for the request. Let's
please proceed :)
Thanks for your help,
Hi Melanie,
I think you've already got all the necessary bits of information about my request to fulfill it:
* name and an address for correspondence;
* detail to identify the information required;
* sufficient proof of your identity; and
* the application fee.
The NT Information Commissioner clearly state on their website:
> You don't have to fill in a form to make an application as long as you satisfy the requirements above
You can read more about their instructions here
Is there any specific more information I can help you with?
Warm regards,
Hi there,
Could you please inform me of how the request is progressing?
I received this email on the 22 March in response to my payment and ID message.
> Good morning.
> I acknowledge receipt of your Freedom of Information Application, Receipt/Tax Invoice and personal ID.
> I advise that your request for access of information has been forwarded to the Information Officer who will deal with your application.
> You will be kept informed of the progress of your application and advised of the outcome in due course.
> Regards
> Glynis Abbott
> Senior Executive Assistant
> to the Chief Executive Officer
> Freedom of Information Coordinator
> Clerk of the Peace
> Executive Division
> Department of the Attorney-General and Justice
> Northern Territory Government
Yours sincerely,
Luke Bacon
Good afternoon,
I acknowledge receipt of your email and advise that a response is being prepared which you should receive in due course.
Glynis Abbott
Senior Executive Assistant
to the Chief Executive Officer
Freedom of Information Coordinator
Clerk of the Peace
Executive Division
Department of the Attorney-General and Justice
Northern Territory Government
Level 8 Old Admiralty Towers
68 The Esplanade, Darwin NT 0800
GPO Box 1722, DARWIN NT 0801
Telephone: (08) 8935 7404
Fax: (08) 8935 7414
Email: [email address]
Our Vision: A fair and accessible legal system for the community
Our Values: Commitment to Service | Ethical Practice | Respect | Accountability | Impartiality | Diversity
The information in the email is intended solely for the addressee named. It may contain legally privileged or confidential information that is subject to copyright. If you are not the intended recipient you must not use, disclose, copy or distribute this communication. If you have received this message in error, please delete the email and notify the sender. Use or transmittal of the information in this email other than for authorised NT Government business purposes may constitute misconduct under the NT Public Sector Code of Conduct and could potentially be an offence under the NT Criminal Code. No representation is made that this email is free of viruses. Virus scanning is recommended and is the responsibility of the recipient.
Good afternoon,
Please see the attached letter of response with regard your Freedom of Information request.
Glynis Abbott
Senior Executive Assistant
to the Chief Executive Officer
Freedom of Information Coordinator
Clerk of the Peace
Executive Division
Department of the Attorney-General and Justice
Northern Territory Government
Level 8 Old Admiralty Towers
68 The Esplanade, Darwin NT 0800
GPO Box 1722, DARWIN NT 0801
Telephone: (08) 8935 7404
Fax: (08) 8935 7414
Email: [email address]
Our Vision: A fair and accessible legal system for the community
Our Values: Commitment to Service | Ethical Practice | Respect | Accountability | Impartiality | Diversity
The information in the email is intended solely for the addressee named. It may contain legally privileged or confidential information that is subject to copyright. If you are not the intended recipient you must not use, disclose, copy or distribute this communication. If you have received this message in error, please delete the email and notify the sender. Use or transmittal of the information in this email other than for authorised NT Government business purposes may constitute misconduct under the NT Public Sector Code of Conduct and could potentially be an offence under the NT Criminal Code. No representation is made that this email is free of viruses. Virus scanning is recommended and is the responsibility of the recipient.
Thanks very much for this very clearly explained decision Glynis, and for providing precisely the document sort.
It's interesting to read what was requested, and also to see how few public interest requests to the Department result in disclosures.
Informally, would you be able to tell me how many requests the department receives in a period like this?
Thanks again, I really appreciate your work.
Luke Bacon
Locutus Sum left an annotation ()
I like the irony of this request. It reminds me that on my last holiday I heard the expression, "The Territory is another country". Now I think I understand what this expression means.
The applicant has asked a copy of the disclosure log of the agency or, to be accurate, a list of the applications that have been made to the agency under the information law of the Northern Territory." Now he is told that he cannot have a copy of this list of released information because it is not publically [I think that the NT officer means "publicly"] available! But in case the applicant gets the wrong impression of the law in the north of Australia, he is reminded that the agency subscribes to certain values: "Commitment to Service | Ethical Practice | Respect | Accountability | Impartiality | Diversity "
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