List of NSW Local Aboriginal Land Councils under RSM Administration Control

Response to this request is long overdue. By law, under all circumstances, NSW Aboriginal Affairs should have responded by now (details). You can complain by requesting an internal review.

Dear NSW Aboriginal Affairs,

I am writing to request information on Local Aboriginal Land Councils (LALCs) in New South Wales that have been under the administrative control of RSM Australia Pty Ltd.

I am interested in obtaining a comprehensive list of all LALCs that have been under RSM Australia Pty Ltd's administration control.

Thank you for your time and attention to this matter.

Yours faithfully,

AANSW Enquiries, NSW Aboriginal Affairs


Dear sirs,

We are in receipt of your Email enquiry.

Unfortunately, AANSW is not in a position to offer assistance in this area.

Yours sincerely


-----Original Message-----
From: Dean Foley <[FOI #10151 email]>
Sent: Tuesday, 11 April 2023 10:19 AM
To: AANSW Enquiries <[NSW Aboriginal Affairs request email]>
Subject: Government Information (Public Access) request - List of NSW Local Aboriginal Land Councils under RSM Administration Control

[You don't often get email from [FOI #10151 email]. Learn why this is important at ]

[CAUTION: This email originated from outside of the organisation. Do not click links or open attachments unless you recognise the sender and know the content is safe.]

Dear NSW Aboriginal Affairs,

I am writing to request information on Local Aboriginal Land Councils (LALCs) in New South Wales that have been under the administrative control of RSM Australia Pty Ltd.

I am interested in obtaining a comprehensive list of all LALCs that have been under RSM Australia Pty Ltd's administration control.

Thank you for your time and attention to this matter.

Yours faithfully,


Please use this email address for all replies to this request:
[FOI #10151 email]

Is [NSW Aboriginal Affairs request email] the wrong address for Government Information (Public Access) requests to NSW Aboriginal Affairs? If so, please contact us using this form:

This request has been made by an individual using Right to Know. This message and any reply that you make will be published on the internet. More information on how Right to Know works can be found at:

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Dear AANSW Enquiries,

This is a freedom of information (FOI) request, which is a legal process in which an individual or organisation can request access to documents or other information held by a government agency, public authority or private organisation.

The request was intended for NSW Aboriginal Affairs, not AANSW. Is AANSW the authorised contact for NSW Aboriginal Affairs or should Right to Know update their email address for FOI requests?

NSW Aboriginal Affairs has the requested information and can offer assistance.

Although Shane Hamilton, the Deputy Secretary of Aboriginal Affairs NSW, cited some LALCs that were under RSM Australia Pty Ltd's control, he didn't furnish a comprehensive list which I initially requested via email. You can check out his email reply to my request here:

Yours sincerely,

Dean Foley

Dear NSW Aboriginal Affairs,

As per the law, the authority is required to provide a prompt response, and the deadline for the Freedom of Information (FOI) request which in this case is May 09, 2023.

FOI request:

Yours faithfully,

Dean Foley