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Printed from on February 15, 2025 11:34
This person's Freedom of Information requests (approximately 8)
Impairment tables can be found here:
The request is not really refused ... it is deemed to be withdrawn by the applicant because the applicant did not reply to the correspondence within 30...
Dear C Faulk
Please find attached my decision dated 19 June 2019 in relation to your FOI request below.
Kind regards
Gemma Larkins
Legal Officer...
Dear C Faulk
Please find attached my decision dated 6 June 2019 and the relevant documents in relation to your Freedom of Information request below....
Dear Mr Faulk
Please see attached the decision relating to the request you made to the
Department of the Prime Min...
Dear C Faulk
Please find attached:
RHC Meeting Minutes (part 4)
Kind regards
Gemma Larkins
Legal Officer
Office of the General Counsel
25 March 2...
Dear Mr Faulk,
Please find attached my decision in relation to your FOI request.
Martin Reynolds
General Counsel
Office of the Gen...
Dear Mr Faulk,
Please find attached my decision in relation to your FOI request.
Martin Reynolds
General Counsel
Office of the Gen...
This person's 1 annotation
Impairment tables can be found here: