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Printed from on February 10, 2025 21:03
This person's Freedom of Information requests (approximately 8)
The response of the authority to this request is completely wrong and not compliant with the law. The law requires that the authority send relevant inf...
The request was not actually refused. The application is taken by the Act to have been withdrawn by the applicant. The deemed withdrawal is because the...
The applicant was told that her request would probably be refused because a "practical refusal reason" existed. The applicant was asked to consult with...
Dear Ms Loi
Please find our charges notice attached regarding your FOI request about a
Work for the Dole investigation report...
Good afternoon Ms Loi
We refer to your below email in which you sought access to documents
containing the following:
‘The s...
Good morning Ms Loi
Please find attached correspondence in relation to your below FOI request to the Department of Jobs and Small Busines...
Good morning Ms Loi
Please find attached correspondence in relation to your below FOI request to the Department of Jobs and Small Busines...
Good morning Ms Loi
Please find attached correspondence from the Department of Jobs and Small
Business in relation to your below...
This person's annotations
None made.