(page 8)
Good evening Julie,
FOI 25504 (Internal Review of FOI 25066)
Please find attached a decision in relation to the above mentioned
internal r...
Dear Ms Pane
FOI 25332 – Decision and Statement of Reasons
Please find attached the decision in relation to your freedom of
information in...
Dear Ms Pane
FOI 25408 – Decision and Statement of Reasons
Please find attached the decision relating to your freedom of information
Dear Ms Pane
FOI 25409 - Decision and Statement of Reasons
Please find attached the decision relating to your freedom of information
Dear Ms Pane
FOI 24761 – Decision and Statement of Reasons
Please find attached the decision relating to your freedom of information
Dear Julie
FOI 25075 – Decision and Statement of Reasons
Please find attached the decision in relation to your freedom of
information requ...
Dear Julie
FOI 25070 – Decision and Statement of Reasons
Please find attached the decision in relation to your freedom of
information requ...
Dear Julie
FOI 25074 – Decision and Statement of Reasons
Please find attached the decision in relation to your freedom of
information requ...
IC Review applied for 21 November 2018
IC Review applied for 14 November 2018
IC Review applied for 19 November 2018
OAIC reference: RQ18/03263
Department reference: 25057
Dear Ms Pane
Thank you for your email. Your clarifications have been noted, and I have added y...
Now why can’t the Department produce decisions like this.
I am confronted with the fact that when the Department wants to, it can readily put toge...
To Leia of Information Law,
Well it wouldn’t be a DVA decision notice without some bad faith creative fiction, but as no stupid bad faith delay tact...
Dear Mr Ashmore
FOI 24902 - Decision and Statement of Reasons
Please find attached the decision in relation to your freedom of
Even when your own Departmental responses to Questions On Notices in Parliament directly contradict the false claims that no do...
It has been drawn to my attention, that due the notice to give practical refusal was made on the last day of the s 15(5)(b) dea...
To Unnamed officer,
The usual opaque response I see. The purpose, aim and objects of the FOI Act is to provide access to relevant documents in a time...
Good afternoon Verity Pane,
Thank you for your email. Based on the below, we acknowledge your advice for our previous email to be taken as information...
Good afternoon Verity Pane,
FOI 24561 Charges notice
We refer to your FOI request received by the Department on 18 September
2018. Please...
Attn DVA,
18 July 2018 - FOI made
1 August 2018 - s 15(5)(a) acknowledgment deadline expired with DVA in breach
17 August 2018 - s 15(5)...
Good evening Mr Ashmore,
FOI 24510 – Internal Review – Decision and Statement of Reasons
I refer to your request for an internal review of...
I acknowledge your internal review decision note of 18 October 2018, in which you state:
“I have made a decision to vary the original decis...
Only requests made using Right to Know are shown.