Dear Mr Thompson
Please find the requested information attached in relation to the Freedom
of Information request for LEX 73143. We apologise for t...
This is already a deemed request and as such has been referred to the OAIC yesterday, you do not get another wack at this until the the IC review co...
Thank you for your email. Please accept this automatic reply as
confirmation the Information Access Unit has received your email. An IA
Officer will...
Dear Mr Hamiltonshire,
The Department of Veterans' Affairs (the department) has received your
request for access to information under the Freedo...
Please use this validation code to complete your registration: 403633
Note: This code will expire in 30 minutes.
Dear Jenny,
Thank you for your request for information under the FOI Act 1982,
received by the Department on 19 February 2024.
Please find...
OAIC reference: MR24/00884
Our reference: LEX 53717 (LEX 68270)
Dear Mr Ashmore
I refer to the attached notice of Information Commissione...
Dear Mr Thompson,
The Department of Veterans' Affairs (the department) has received your
request for access to information under the Freedom of...
Dear Jenny,
I write to you in reference to your request under the Freedom of
Information Act 1982 (the FOI Act) and refer you to the attached
Please use this validation code to complete your registration: 809924
Note: This code will expire in 30 minutes.
Dear Ms Julie,
I refer to previous Information Access requests you made to the Department
of Veterans’ Affairs (Department) – LEX 49947 and LEX...
Please use this validation code to complete your registration: 520454
Note: This code will expire in 30 minutes.
Good afternoon Julie
I refer to previous Information Access requests you made to the Department
of Veterans’ Affairs (Department) – LEX 47881....
Please use this validation code to complete your registration: 559819
Note: This code will expire in 30 minutes.
Did D.V.A approve and fund pharmaceutical medical THC and CBD oils to myself (Elliot Seiffert) in 2024, if the answer is yes. How much oil was approv...
This FOI for the MATES program Deeds of Agreement from 2004 to program end that was received by the Department of Veterans Affairs on 27 January 202...
Dear Mr Ashmore,
I write to inform you that your internal review request received on 26
August 2023 (registered as LEX 69860) which requested a...
Good afternoon Mr Ashmore
Please find attached 55G decision letter and document related to your
previous case under LEX 62926 and Internal Revie...
National Archives of Australia - NAA1000401332 response
Our response to your [1]NAA1000401332 is:
Dear Mr. Ashmore,
Thank you for con...
Dear Mr Ashmore,
Please find attached decision letter for your FOI request and document
pertaining to LEX 68956 scope:
'I am seeking the n...
Dear Mr Ashmore,
Please find attached decision letter for your FOI request and document
pertaining to LEX 68996 scope:
[1]Macquarie Government
Hello [FOI #11330 email],
You are receiving this email because the following things happened at
[2]Macquarie Governm...
Dear MS,
Thank you for your Information Access request to the Department of
Veterans’ Affairs (Department) – LEX 59792.
Please find the De...
The Department of Veterans Affairs FOI section took 129 days without reasonable excuse to give such a low quality no answer response that still has lef...
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