Department of Veterans' Affairs

Part of the Defence portfolio, part of the Veterans' Affairs portfolio and a Federal authority, also called DVA

Serving members of Australia's veteran and defence force communities, war widows and widowers, widows and dependants, through programs of care, rehabilitation, compensation, income support, commemoration and defence support services.

230 requests

(page 4)

Good morning Mr Ashmore,   Please find attached the document created to meet part of the scope of your request along with my decision letter.  ...
Dear Mr Ashmore   Thank you for your Information Access request to the Department of Veterans’ Affairs – LEX 53896.   Please find the decision...
Incoming Government Briefs
Response by Department of Veterans' Affairs to JH on .

Awaiting classification.

Dear JH   I refer to my correspondence on 9 September 2022 in relation to an extension of time request made by the Department of Veterans’ Affairs...
Dear Mr Ashmore, The Department of Veterans’ Affairs (the department) has received your  request for access to information under the Freedom of Info...
SPOC Referral Statisics for July 2018
Request to Department of Veterans' Affairs by Verity Pane. Annotated by Verity Pane on .

Long overdue.

Ic review
Claims Diagnostic Project
Follow up sent to Department of Veterans' Affairs by Julie on .

Long overdue.

The phrase 'handling of my FOI request' is the template text used by Right to Know for internal reviews for decades now, and which DVA have processe...
DVA claims data for intentional self harm.
Request to Department of Veterans' Affairs by Alan ASHMORE. Annotated by Julie on .


That is a disturbingly high number of self harm events among DVA clients, especially given they occurred over the period the Veteran Centric Reform pro...
IC Review
Schedule of Documents for LEX 45443
Request to Department of Veterans' Affairs by Verity Pane. Annotated by Verity Pane on .

Long overdue.

IC review
Attn INFORMATION.ACCESS, You still have not responded to my follow up of 3 May Verity Pane
Dear Ms Pane, Re: LEX 49105 I refer to your request for an internal review of LEX 47365. Your request is in the following terms:   ‘…I am wri...
High Needs Case Management Pilot
Follow up sent to Department of Veterans' Affairs by Julie on .

Long overdue.

On 14 April 2022, the Department of Veterans' Affairs (the Department) applied for further time to make a decision on my FOI request of 18 March 202...
Dear Ms Verity Pane,   Please see attached the decision and document in relation to your FOI request – LEX 48757.   Kind regards,   Isaac...
Self harm reporting
Response by Department of Veterans' Affairs to Julie on .

Partially successful.

Good evening Julie,   Please find attached decision letter and release for LEX 49238.   Kind regards   Suzanne Position Number: 62210948...
Estimates Briefing Book
Request to Department of Veterans' Affairs by Verity Pane. Annotated by Verity Pane on .

Long overdue.

IC Review
Chart of Accounts
Response by Department of Veterans' Affairs to Verity Pane on .

Partially successful.

Dear Verity Pane,   Apologies, it appears the attachment was missing from the last email. Please find decision attached.   Kind regards,  ...
Briefs that the Secretary signed in October 2020
Follow up sent to Department of Veterans' Affairs by Julie on .

Long overdue.

Still waiting for response to this reasonable request for copy the document you allege was sent. Is there a reason for this illogical rudeness?...
s 55G Substituted Decisions
Follow up sent to Department of Veterans' Affairs by Verity Pane on .

Long overdue.

I asked a question a month ago now and that is more than a reasonable time to give response. There is no need for such rude and condescending conduc...
Position Tree Report
Follow up sent to Department of Veterans' Affairs by Verity Pane on .

Long overdue.

On 9 February I asked: Dear INFORMATION.LAW, There is a very large number of positions in this report listed as vacant. Is this because of sta...
Dear Mr Ashmore,   Please find attached decision and document bundle in respect of your FOI request LEX 47408.   Kind regards,     Aleen...
Response times to disclosure log requests
Response by Department of Veterans' Affairs to Julie on .


Dear Julie, Freedom of Information Request: LEX 47722   I refer to your request, received by the Department of Veterans’ Affairs (the department...
Client Satisfaction Survey
Request to Department of Veterans' Affairs by Verity Pane. Annotated by Verity Pane on .

Partially successful.

Given CATI is an order of magnitude more expensive, and is accepted as skewing the survey towards elderly clients, a 4/5th reduction in CASI numbers at...
Non-ASL public service staff
Response by Department of Veterans' Affairs to John Smith on .


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Only requests made using Right to Know are shown. ?