Public authorities
Found 26 public authorities in the category ‘Education and Training’
The Advancing Quality in Higher Education Reference Group advises on the coherence and balance of the measures derived from instruments, consistent wit...
0 requests.
Requests for personal documents, documents of a party political nature, or documents held in the assistant minister's capacity as a local member of par...
2 requests.
Also called Fullbright.
The Australian-American Fulbright Commission is a non-profit organisation, established in Australia through a binational treaty between the Australian...
0 requests.
ACECQA is an independent national authority, based in Sydney. It is led by CEO Karen Curtis and guided by a 12 member governing Board whose members wer...
2 requests.
Also called ACARA.
Australian Curriculum, Assessment and Reporting Authority (ACARA) is responsible for a national curriculum from kindergarten to Year 12, a national ass...
20 requests.
The Australian Institute for Teaching and School Leadership (AITSL) provides national leadership for the Commonwealth, State and Territory Governments...
2 requests.
Also called ANU.
The Australian National University is unique among its contemporaries as the only Australian university established by an Act of Federal Parliament, in...
36 requests.
Also called AQF.
The Australian Qualifications Framework (AQF) Council provides strategic and authoritative advice to Education Ministers on the AQF to ensure it is nat...
1 request.
The Australian Government Department of Education is responsible for national policies and programmes that help Australians access quality and affordab...
118 requests.
Also called DESE.
The Australian Government Department of Employment is responsible for national policies and programmes that help Australians find and keep employment a...
51 requests.
Education Services Australia (ESA) is a national, not-for-profit company owned by all Australian ministers.
The company was established to support deli...
2 requests.
The First Peoples Education Advisory Group was a cross-sectoral expert advisory group that provided policy advice to the Australian Government on Closi...
0 requests.
Australian General Practice Training incorporates two Australian Government-funded general practice and training programs, the Australian General Pract...
0 requests.
The Higher Education Research Reference Group provides advice to the Minister to inform the development of policy for higher research and program deliv...
0 requests.
The Higher Education Standards Panel is responsible for advising and making reccomendations to the Minister or Research Minister on making or varying t...
1 request.
Requests for personal documents, documents of a party political nature, or documents held in the minister’s capacity as a local member of parliament ar...
0 requests.
Requests for personal documents, documents of a party political nature, or documents held in the minister’s capacity as a local member of parliament ar...
9 requests.
Requests for personal documents, documents of a party political nature, or documents held in the minister’s capacity as a local member of parliament ar...
2 requests.
The Office for Learning and Teaching Strategic Advisory Committee provides guidance and advice to the Minister to help shape strategic directions of th...
0 requests.
Requests for personal documents, documents of a party political nature, or documents held in the parliamentary secretary's capacity as a local member o...
0 requests.
Requests for personal documents, documents of a party political nature, or documents held in the parliamentary secretary's capacity as a local member o...
0 requests.
Requests for personal documents, documents of a party political nature, or documents held in the minister’s capacity as a local member of parliament ar...
1 request.
The Teacher Education Ministerial Advisory Group has been established to provide advice on how teacher programmes could be improved to better prepare n...
0 requests.
Also called TEQSA.
The Tertiary Education Quality and Standards Agency (TEQSA) is a statutory authority that registers providers and accredits courses of study. TEQSA reg...
4 requests.
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