NSW Police Force

A NSW authority

Do not request personal information using this site. Why?

107 requests
GIPA review log of agency information
Follow up sent to NSW Police Force by MissAnonymous on .


I have not received any response to my informal GIPA request - I suspect that you may have lost this response - please clarify that you have recei...
Conflict of Interest Register
Internal review request sent to NSW Police Force by MissAnonymous on .

Awaiting internal review.

Please pass this on to the person who conducts internal reviews. I am writing to request an internal review of NSW Police Force's handling of my i...
Good afternoon Thank you for contacting NSWPF. In order to make a request for NSW Police Force information, an applicant is required to submit a comp...
GIPA Policy
Follow up sent to NSW Police Force by MissAnonymous on .


I wonder if this the most up to date guide ? https://www.police.nsw.gov.au/online_services/requesting_information/information_guide Yours faithfu...
Annual reviews log under GIPA s.7(3)
Request sent to NSW Police Force by MissAnonymous on .


Under the s. 7(3) the NSW Police Force is required; (3) An agency must, at intervals of not more than 12 months, review its program for the relea...
This is a request for statistical information under the Government Information (Public Access) Act 2009 No 52 leglislation and pertains information...
Good afternoon Lauren, I'm not exactly sure what your enquiry relates to? If you have a complaint about a specific incident that has occurred, I sug...
NSW Police Force Brand Guidelines
Response by NSW Police Force to Thomas A on .


Dear Thomas, Thank you for your inquiry to the NSW Police Force. In order to make a request for NSW Police Force information, an applicant is requir...
Good morning In order to make a request for NSW Police Force information, an applicant is required to submit a completed 'Formal Access' application u...
Response by NSW Police Force to Patsy Brogan on .

Long overdue.

This is the mail system at host openaustralia.org. I'm sorry to have to inform you that your message could not be delivered to one or more recipients....
Freedom of Information Act Request
Request to NSW Police Force by Kyla Rampling. Annotated by Ben Fairless on .

Withdrawn by the requester.

Hello, I'm one of the workers who look after Right to Know. Firstly, I want to apologise that it's taken us so long to look at the error message ab...
Punishment for Domestic Violence Victims
Response by NSW Police Force to Lauren Ainslie on .

Waiting clarification.

Good morning Lauren Thankyou for your email Can you please provide your GIPA reference number for this to be followed up Regards, Leesa Customer...
NSW Police and Malicious Prosecution
Response by NSW Police Force to Lauren Ainslie on .

Awaiting classification.

Good morning,   Thank you for your email. To lodge an internal review it must be received within 20 days of the date of decision and you must prov...
This message is from the Forcepoint email protection system, Forcepoint Email Security at host phqpasmtp1.police.nsw.gov.au. The attached email could...
Bodyworn Cameras and Stolen Money
Internal review request sent to NSW Police Force by Lauren Ainslie on .

Awaiting internal review.

Please pass this on to the person who conducts Freedom of Information reviews. I am writing to request an internal review of NSW Police Force's ha...
Sydney Morning Herald Article
Response by NSW Police Force to Lauren Ainslie on .

Long overdue.

This message is from the Forcepoint email protection system, Forcepoint Email Security at host phqpasmtp1.police.nsw.gov.au. The attached email could...
This message is from the Forcepoint email protection system, Forcepoint Email Security at host phqpasmtp1.police.nsw.gov.au. The attached email could...
Sex offenders register for our area
Response by NSW Police Force to Sue Swanson on .

Information not held.

This message is from the Forcepoint email protection system, Forcepoint Email Security at host phqpasmtp1.police.nsw.gov.au. The attached email could...
Unlawful arrest
Response by NSW Police Force to Catherine Britt on .

Long overdue.

This message is from the Forcepoint email protection system, Forcepoint Email Security at host phqpasmtp1.police.nsw.gov.au. The attached email could...
This message is from the Forcepoint email protection system, Forcepoint Email Security at host phqpasmtp1.police.nsw.gov.au. The attached email could...
CCTV footage from police cell
Response by NSW Police Force to Kelly Stewart on .

Long overdue.

This message is from the Forcepoint email protection system, Forcepoint Email Security at host phqpasmtp1.police.nsw.gov.au. The attached email could...
Time of a car accident my daughter was a passenger in
Response by NSW Police Force to Shaun Ham on .

Awaiting classification.

This message is from the Forcepoint email protection system, Forcepoint Email Security at host phqpasmtp1.police.nsw.gov.au. The attached email could...
This message is from the Forcepoint email protection system, Forcepoint Email Security at host phqpasmtp1.police.nsw.gov.au. The attached email could...
Communication docs Advising to Ignore Federal Law Biosecurity Act 2015/61
Request to NSW Police Force by verifysp. Annotated by verifysp on .

Long overdue.

No msg error or anything as of this date. Leaving open till 6th Oct then send a chaser.
Dear Customer,   Please be advised that, on and from 30 July 2020, the NSW Police Force no longer accepts email as an approved facility for the ma...

Only requests made using Right to Know are shown. ?