Browse and search requests (page 13)


About 4100 FOI requests found

OFFICIAL   Good afternoon   I refer to your request below for access to documents under the Freedom of Information Act 1982 (FOI Act).   P...
OFFICIAL Dear Tom Matias,   I am writing to notify you of my decision in relation to your data request DA24/09/00597    You have requested a...
dear kylie thank you I hope you have a good weekend. melissa
OFFICIAL   Dear Lex,   Ref: LEX 1172   Please find attached correspondence relating to your recent FOI request.   Regards,   FOI Of...
Contract for ANZ acquisition of Suncorp 2024
Response by Department of the Treasury to Dale Webster on .

Partially successful.

OFFICIAL Dear Mr Webster The FOI 3726 decision is attached. Kind regards, Freedom of Information Officer The Treasury Ph: +61 2 6263 2800 e: [emai...
Interpretation of WHODAS
Response by National Disability Insurance Agency to Gabriel on .


Dear Gabriel   Thank you for your request for information.   Please find attached correspondence and documents in relation to your request.  I...
OFFICIAL Dear Mr Oliver Smith   FOI request FA 24/08/00876   I refer to your FOI request received on 13 August 2024, seeking access to the f...
Dear Gabriel,   Thank you for your request for information.    Please find attached correspondence and documents in relation to your request. ...
Transport Indexation
Request to National Disability Insurance Agency by AS. Annotated by Emily Lacey on .


Difficult to believe that they couldn't find any documents *at all* on what you asked for...
Thank you! Yours faithfully, Tyler
OFFICIAL   FOI/2024/227   Dear Mr Pentland,   Please see the attached correspondence regarding your Freedom of Information request.  ...
Dr Mr Flymore,   Please see attached notice of decision.   Kind regards,   Krystal Fung Lawyer, FOI & Privacy Legal Services Australia...
Dear Dan Collins    Thank you for your below request seeking access to documents from the Agency’s Disclosure Log.    Please find attached the...
Senate Estimates briefs 2024-25
Response by Australian Public Service Commission to Gary Moorcroft on .


OFFICIAL   Dear Mr Moorcroft   Please see attached decision notice and documents released to you in relation to your FOI request.   Kind r...
Dear Mr Thurmond,   Freedom of Information Request – WA01092024   Further to emails below, I attach correspondence from Wine Australia in resp...
Dear Mr Buckley,   Please find attached FOI documents and a decision made by the NDIS Quality and Safeguards Commission (the NDIS Commission) in r...
Thank you! Yours faithfully, Tyler
Thank you for your information. Thank you! Yours faithfully, Tyler
FOI Disclosure Log
Response by National Disability Insurance Agency to Kayla on .


Dear Kayla   Thank you for your below request seeking access to documents from the Agency’s Disclosure Log.    Please find attached the follow...
OFFICIAL: Sensitive Dear Oliver Smith,   FOI request FA 24/08/00708   I refer to your FOI request received on 12 August 2024, seeking access...
Thank you! Yours faithfully, Tyler
Thank you! Yours faithfully, Tyler
Good afternoon Cat   Please find attached the decision made in response to the Freedom of Information request LEX 51226.   Regards   DSS F...
OFFICIAL Dear Oliver Smith   FOI request FA 24/08/00730   I refer to your FOI request received on 13 August 2024, seeking access to the foll...
LEX 2373 documents
Response by Australian Federal Police to CR on .


OFFICIAL Dear CR Please find attached documents requested relating to LEX 2373. Kind regards AFP 24826 FREEDOM OF INFORMATION TEAM LEADER | COMMERC...