Browse and search requests (page 20)


About 4101 FOI requests found

OFFICIAL   Good afternoon Alex Pentland,   Please find attached: 1.            Notice of Decision of internal review; and 2.            Doc...
Vacancy notice
Response by Federal Court of Australia to Lex on .


OFFICIAL Dear Lex Please find attached correspondence from the Federal Court of Australia, together with accompanying document. Kind regards FOI Of...
8-12 Brougham Street Emu Plains
Response by Penrith City Council to Joseph K on .


Thank you for contacting Penrith City Council. Your email will be assigned to the appropriate Council officer for action. Please note this Inbox is n...
Dear Melinda,   Thank you for your email. I note you are seeking “current numbers of conditionally registered teachers in NSW and Victoria.”  ...
Updated list of accredited visa sponsors
Response by Department of Home Affairs to Eric on .


OFFICIAL Dear Eric    Thank you for your payment on 30 May 2024 in relation to DA24/05/00297. The data you have requested is contained in the at...
Finance AoG decisions re: ASIC (unsuccessful)
Response by Department of Finance to Me on .

Partially successful.

Thank you for your email, which has been forwarded to the Department’s FOI Team for their consideration. A member of the FOI Team will respond to you...
Data Matching Info
Response by National Disability Insurance Agency to Rob Stewart on .

Partially successful.

Good afternoon Rob Please note that at this stage your application is still not clear enough to meet the requirements of section 15(2)(b) of the FOI A...
Hi Ben, I have had to send through another FOI request as some documents were missing. Yours sincerely, Cathy Minnucci
OFFICIAL Dear David   Thank you for your payment on 27 April 2024 in relation to DA24/04/00241. The data you have requested is contained in the...
Dear Jimp   Please find enclosed the documents you have requested.   Yours sincerely Baden Appleyard General Counsel Queensland Curriculum...
Hi Darren,​ Thank you for recently contacting Moorabool Shire Council regarding Freedom of Information Freedom of Information We appreciate if you...
American Express
Response by Queensland Residential Tenancies Authority to Charles on .


Receipt confirmation: RTA Privacy Mailbox           DO NOT REPLY TO THIS MESSAGE – Your email to the RTA has been received   ***This is an automated...
Information Access Templates
Response by Department of Defence to MS on .

Partially successful.

OFFICIAL Good afternoon,   Please find attached the Decision and documents relating to Defence FOI 820/23/24.   Under section 54 of the FOI...
Noise Abatement Trial - Survey
Response by Airservices Australia to Cathy Minnucci on .

Partially successful.

OFFICIAL Dear Ms Minnucci A decision regarding this FOI was provided to you on 11 October 2023. There are no further documents that meet the terms of...
Documents related to FOI 23-24/072
Response by Department of Finance to Ben Fairless on .

Partially successful.

OFFICIAL   Dear Mr Fairless,   Please find attached a decision letter and the documents released to you as a result of your FOI request (our r...
Legal Costings to date
Response by National Disability Insurance Agency to scott dwyer on .


Dear Scott Dwyer    Thank you for your request for information.    Please find attached correspondence and documents in relation to your reque...
Dear Mr Pentland, Please find attached our response to your Freedom of Information request. Kind regards Robyn Robyn Briese (she/her) General Couns...
I can confirm that both emails have been received. Thank you for your assistance with this request. Yours faithfully, John Smith
Dear Mr Pentland,   Freedom of Information Request – WA27042024   Further to emails below, I attach correspondence from Wine Australia in resp...
OFFICIAL   Good morning Ms Garces   I refer to your request below for access to documents under the Freedom of Information Act 1982 (FOI Act)....
Thank you. I agree with the proposed scope. Yours sincerely, Shirley
Chinese Student Enrollment Statistics
Response by Australian National University to Wei Rui on .

Partially successful.

  Dear Wei Rui,   Your Freedom of Information Request has now been finalised.   Attached please find correspondence and relevant document reg...
Dear D Browns   Please see attached correspondence from the Department of Climate Change, Energy, the Environment and Water, in relation to your F...
    Dear FOI Applicant,     Please see the attachment.     Yours faithfully,     FOI Team   Dear Applicant, A decision regardi...
Thank you Sadia... I did ask both Airservices and CASA the same question and they referred me to you at the ATSB. Looks like it was a difficult re...